Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meet the new Boss...same as the old Boss

From the NY Times:

...when Mr. Lopez’s reign as the most powerful political force in the borough ended last week amid allegations of sexual harassment, reformers and progressives in Brooklyn used the situation to call for a clean break from a legacy of patronage politics harking back to the era of Tammany Hall. Almost immediately, a leading candidate for the position emerged: Frank R. Seddio, a friend and protégé of Mr. Lopez.

The pasta-loving patriarch of the Thomas Jefferson Club in southern Brooklyn, Mr. Seddio, 65, was the machine’s pick to become a state assemblyman and later a Surrogate’s Court judge, through a much criticized process that sidestepped the usual electoral vetting. He resigned from the bench in 2007, just 17 months into a 14-year term, amid an ethics inquiry into the tens of thousands of dollars he donated to Democratic leaders and organizations before he assumed the post with the party’s backing.

Though the position of party chairman might seem obscure to many voters, it would give Mr. Seddio significant control over judicial nominations, vacant legislative positions and hundreds of lucrative jobs that have historically been doled out to party insiders and their relatives. And if recent experience is any indication, the post could allow him to influence the next mayoral election, in a borough that is 71 percent Democratic.


Anonymous said...

Diogenes got out of his tub,walked through Brooklyn with his lantern ....and had to puke.

what will he do in Queens County ?

Anonymous said...

position of party chairman might seem obscure to many voters, it would give Mr. Seddio significant control over judicial nominations, vacant legislative positions and hundreds of lucrative jobs that have historically been doled out to party insiders and their relatives.

If this is true and I'm sure it is, it is a sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

As Bob Grant would say: Fakes, phonies, frauds....

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