Friday, July 13, 2012

So much for the Moondance

From the Daily News:

The sun is setting fast on the iconic Moondance Diner.

The historic eatery, relocated five years ago from the city’s concrete canyons to Wyoming’s snow-capped buttes, closed its doors in March — and its owner is now looking for a buyer.

If nobody steps up, the one-time Sixth Ave. attraction could spend its golden years all alone and a long way from home.

“It’s heartbreaking,” said Cheryl Pierce, who moved the Moondance amid much hoopla in summer 2007. “It’s almost like a death in the family ... Business has really slowed down.”

A planned summer reopening disappeared as the local oil and gas businesses battled the recession and the seasonal tourist trade opted to stay at home.

Pierce, 36, hopes to find a new owner willing to find a new home for the old favorite that served its first meal near the Holland Tunnel in 1933. “It’s about passing it on to someone else,” she said. “It’s a turnkey business if someone could put it in the right place with a little more financial backing.”


Anonymous said...

Moving to Wyoming is death, yet alone moving a physical building there? What was in their brains to do that?

Anonymous said...

maybe that champion of diners,
Michael Perlman, can "save" this one too.

His other two "successes" were moved out of the environs of NYC.

Does this account for saving them?

Anonymous said...

Swan song for the Moondance.

C'mon folks...
an underutilized "taxpayer"
in Manhattan zoned for high rise.

All of these single story buildings will soon make way for 20 plus story buildings.

Unless a diner charges $20 per cup of coffee with a side order of nostalgia, they're history.

It's sad but true.

Anonymous said...


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