From DNA Info:
A confused-looking Queens Congressional candidate got some personal coaching from the head of the police union, Pat Lynch, Friday morning about the NYPD's controversial stop-and-frisk policy — with Lynch whispering advice to her during a press conference that was caught on camera.
City Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley, who chairs the council’s Fire and Criminal Justice Committee, was holding a press conference Thursday at police headquarters in lower Manhattan in which she received the PBA’s official endorsement for her race for the 6th Congressional district when a reporter asked her whether she supports the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk policy.
“The least we could do is have some gratitude and be grateful for the work that they do,” Crowley answered, ducking the question about the controversial policy, which has come under fire by many council members and civil liberties activists.
Pressed again to clarify whether or not she supports the policy, Crowley froze while Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch whispered into her ear.
“Support it as a tool,” Lynch said, according to footage of the exchange captured by NY1's camera and mic.
A flustered Crowley then asked the reporter to state her question again.
“I believe our police officers stop when they suspect that there is somebody out there that is up to, you know, no good, so to say,” she said.
what an idiot! Does she even know what stop and frisk is?
Nah she's a dem. It'll be forgiven. She was probably tired, just like the ONE when he mentioned 57 states.
Regardless of what anyone's opinion of her might be, that was EXTREMELY painful to watch. What an embarASSment..
Let's end Stop,question and frisk.When the homicde rate quintuples,the pols can then tell us their plan.................
Did "liver-lips"
blow the whole damn PBA?
Elizabeth Crowley... deer in the headlights. What an embarrassing nitwit.
of course criminals would be against stop and frisk. the low life gang banger drug dealers don't own the streets. they just act like they do. who is going to stop them? the multi culti liberal I'd vote for Ghandi because he's not a white man crew? . there are entire neighborhoods, miles and miles of NYC that are commandeered by drug gang king pins.
walk around Queens, you can tell when you are in one of the drug/gang zones. their advertising, ie "graffiti" will be obvious.
stop bashing Liz because she's a woman and has the gumption to go against her crappy uncle's dictates.
We aren't bashing Liz because she's a woman. We're bashing Liz because she has to be told what to say or do. And she doesn't have gumption to go against her cousin (not her uncle, dipshit) because he set her up to be a puppet candidate to split the white conservative vote.
Seriously, how clueless are you voters?
"Zupport it as a Tool!" Ach, dat vas anudder von! Hahr-hahr. Mein "Tool" ist larfing alzo. Vat a choke!
Vote Cute, Vote Liz. Most people can't distinguish between Hebrew and Chinese brushstrokes as they both derive geographically from the continent of Asia.
"of course criminals would be against stop and frisk. the low life gang banger drug dealers don't own the streets. they just act like they do. who is going to stop them? the multi culti liberal I'd vote for Ghandi because he's not a white man crew? "
The real liberals are the NYPD. No other group in America is more liberal than them. They are the quintessential liberal. They are the masters of do as I say and not as I do. They are the most pro-government, anti-privacy anti-personal freedom group in the history of this country. They HATE cameras, they HATE freedom of speech and in general they ABHOR any type of freedom you have. They love government, they are the purveyors of government, they are agents of the government they are the low class hypocrites and the biggest dirt bags in or outside of their uniform.
i am pro-honest cop and want him ,instead of an O.W,S. protester to come to my aid , if i need help.
but i still would like to know how much money the rank and file ,of F.D.N.Y., D.O.S.,Municipal public employees, etc., pay their public union officials (salary and expenses) ?
i hear that these unions are tax exempt ?
"Support it YOU TOOL" is more likely what the audio picked up
The real liberals are the NYPD. No other group in America is more liberal than them. They are the quintessential liberal. They are the masters of do as I say and not as I do. They are the most pro-government, anti-privacy anti-personal freedom group in the history of this country. They HATE cameras, they HATE freedom of speech and in general they ABHOR any type of freedom you have. They love government, they are the purveyors of government, they are agents of the government they are the low class hypocrites and the biggest dirt bags in or outside of their uniform.
And you figured all of this out from living your adult life in your parents' basement?
Parents basement... hahahah z0mg wowzers! What a great rebuttal Mr.Maturity.
Did you come up with that from living out your childhood in a bastardized upper middle class excessively suburban Nassau county boondock?
he actually whispered ,"FART ! YOU FOOL...."
No one who lives in the NY-6 has to worry about being stopped and frisked. Let Charlie Barron scream about it when he gets elected to the NY-10.
That being said, Liz blew it.
Did you say "Liz blew It"
With a brain like hers
she needs to be wearing an audio earpiece 24/7.
Somebody's got to always be coaching her from the sidelines.
"Dizzy" Lizzy
can't even tie her shoes right
on her own.
And her mouth just isn't suited for speech making or quick come backs.
But it does have other merits.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Parents basement... hahahah z0mg wowzers! What a great rebuttal Mr.Maturity.
Did you come up with that from living out your childhood in a bastardized upper middle class excessively suburban Nassau county boondock?
No, I just thought, in my house in western Queens, that I bought with money from years of hard work, that it seemed like it was time for you to adjust your tin foil hat.
"Somebody's got to always be coaching her from the sidelines"
True, not only her but most politicians. Just like Hollywood actors promoting bullshit on Leno, Letterman etc.
In over half the stuff you see on the TV news almost all the questions and answers are determined by publicists and producers in advance. The main "talant" is just a puppet spokesperson for the big $$ pulling the strings.
When I worked at NBC to gain access to anything important in NYC you had to call the Mayors press secretary and submit a list of your questions.
In return you would )or would not) be granted your credentials for access.
Any reporter who dare veer off the list, insult the mayor or pop a SURPRISE question LIKE WHAT HAPPENED HERE would be blacklisted.
You can bet some powers that be are trying to get that reporter fired right now
she must have "done" Lynch too!
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