Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pass the pork!

From Eyewitness News:

Incumbent lawmakers pushing to bring back member items should come as no surprise, as pork is the currency of incumbents.

"This is basically re-election insurance. They have their photos taken handing over their checks to people and they expect that good will flow back to them at election time," said E.J. McMahon, Empire Center.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Evan Stavisky needs his mom's pork money to the North Flushing Senior Center to pay his bills. No investigation yet? Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

How true. Check this out:

"Since day one, Senator Toby Stavisky has shown disrespect and disdain for the Chinese and Korean community of Flushing. A perfect example is the giving of a $500K handout to the North Flushing Senior Center, which only serves on average 30 Seniors a day – mostly non-immigrant white Seniors. Meanwhile, the Korean and Chinese communities have senior centers that are struggling to pay their bills. These Centers serve almost 300 seniors per day and Toby has only seen fit to grant less than $10k to each of them."

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