Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More city-sponsored corporate welfare

From the Daily News:

Manhattan Beer Distributors will receive tax breaks worth nearly $24 million from the Industrial Development Agency to buy and renovate four parcels of land in Hunts Point. The company expects to add at least 25 jobs at the site within three years of opening its new headquarters, in 2013.

Overshadowed by a food fight over $83.5 million in tax breaks and grants for Fresh Direct at the Harlem River Rail Yards, the smaller package calls for Manhattan Beer to spend $60 million on land, renovations and equipment.

CEO Simon Bergson said the project will allow the firm to grow without leaving the Bronx, where it set up shop in 1979. Manhattan Beer is currently based on Walnut Ave. in Port Morris.

Manhattan Beer currently operates distribution sites in the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Wyandanch on Long Island and Suffern in Rockland County. It plans to shift routes from Brooklyn to Queens and the Bronx.

Its new headquarters will boast 620 jobs after three years, with 528 relocated from Walnut Ave., 67 relocated from Brooklyn and 25 new, according to the New York City Economic Development Corp. EDC President Seth Pinsky heads the IDA.

Manhattan Beer will pay its new full-time workers $29,400 a year on average, plus benefits, according to IDA documents. The firm threatened to look for property outside the city when it requested public benefits.


Anonymous said...

Nice try. Ok, I'll bite. Welfare for job producers? Sounds good to me. Beats giving "welfare" to Unions and people who sit around on their asses all day making babies and doing drugs. I vote yes.

Anonymous said...

That's almost ($960,000) a million per new job. Other taxpayers make up the difference. Who knew that capitalism could be so expensive?

Anonymous said...

I personally know the company and deal with them daily they have to have a distribution hq in hunts point cause it will save him over 8 million a year to distribute his product closer to the port so why they gave into his threats of not staying in the city is just an empty threat and the lick pols just gave into it there's no reason why we should pay for Simons greed he is the greediest man I ever met he runs a monolopy and screws everyone in his path

Anonymous said...

The free lunch for corporations is over!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that people here are upset by this.
I thought everyone here was a good republican.

Queens Crapper said...

It's interesting that a) you think democrats don't support this, especially since practically the whole city govt is run by them and b) the tea party was the first group complaining about corporate welfare, way before Occupy Wall Street even existed.

Anonymous said...

Us republicans support less taxes for businesses.
The tea party is useless , the demo's .ugh.

Anonymous said...

It costs us a million per job to create $29k per year jobs which in this city should be considered below the poverty line. We'd be better off giving the folks welfare and letting the corporate assholes fend for themselves. Also, THEY'RE FRIGGIN DISTRIBUTING BEER AND FOOD IN NYC, how much further away can they actually even afford to move? This is ridiculous.

Cav said...

"That's almost ($960,000) a million per new job. Other taxpayers make up the difference. Who knew that capitalism could be so expensive?"

Expensive for whom? So I take it that you believe the money other people earn that is expropriated by government in taxes is in reality the government's money and therefore by some alchemy yours?

So how is lowering taxes, NOT actually giving public money away, to promote economic acitvity in keeping and/or increasing the number of jobs bad?

Anonymous said...

which democrat politicians are the company officials campaign bundling for ?

is this another GREEN type money laundering scheme like Solyndra,Fister,G.M.,Tesla,Sunpower, etc?

Anonymous said...

#5....the TAX ENOUGH ALREADY PARTY PATRIOTS T.E.A.were responsible for prompting the U.S.voters to oust 61(DEM/LIB/Rino/ House Reps. in 2010. thus stopping a lib. socialist dem. administration from total dictatorial control, for the 2010-2012 period .

let us hope that this dictator is ousted ,before more permanent damage is done to the freedom of American citizens.

Anonymous said...

Dream away, Gramps. He's going to be re-elected.

Anonymous said...

obama's H.H.S.Dept. just awarded ALINSKY-tied , HEALTH INSURANCE PROJECT non profits a $56 million start up loan guarantee.
the Wisconsin Grp.(COMMON GROUND HEALTHCARE COOPERATIVE). It will be the first of new network of insurers, that will locate in every state.

Bill Wilson ofAmericans for Limited Gov. has questioned its credentials, affiliation and lack of health ins. experience.


Anonymous said...

A group tied to someone who has been dead for forty years? Do they have conduct a seance in order to have a Board meeting?

Anonymous said...

saul alinsky (rules for radicals) died in 1972.he was the ultimate LEFTWING COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.

he is gone but his alinsky founded group "INDUSTRIAL AREAS FOUNDATION" still exist ,in Chicago. it is tied to new Milwukee group COMMON GROUND HEALTHCARE COOPERATIVE.

although the publishers of "THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO , Feb/1884,MARX/ENGELS"are gone ,the Communist Party of America exists ,presently.

Anonymous said...

The Communist Party of the USA mostly exists in certain paranoid minds in conservative circles.

Forty years ago, most left-wing groups wouldn't have anything to do with them. They were endlessly repeating old cliches, sort of like what some people sound like now after they listen to Fox "News," and the rest of them were not-very-well-disguised FBI agents.

There are even fewer CPUSA agents people around today. As you'll recall, Gramps, the Cold War is over. We won.

Anonymous said...

where are van jones (self proclaimed communist and anita dunn (adores Mao), from the obama democrat/socialist administration, today ?

there are less now ,because obama sent the 10 recent communist spies ,quickly , back to russia. remember the REDHEADED "RED" and her gang of commies ?

i suggest you read "The Venona Files",intercepted from Soviet handlers to C.P.,U.S.A. traitors. co-author J.Corsi.

presently,the masters of deceit are slowly exposing their true allegiance. but they are ever changing their group names as "community groups" . they love grants from the taxpayers via their manchurian leaders in power.

Anonymous said...

The sun rises; the sun sets regardless of what Van Jones does, who is an important person only in the minds of people who make up stories at Fox "News."

As far as Jerome Corsi is concerned, any information he provides is the fruit of a poisoned tree. As witnessed by his pushing the "birther" nonsense (that really turned out well for your side, didn't it?), he is a discredited political opportunist, willing to say anything, do anything, regardless of the facts, to attack the current administration.

People like him is one of the reasons why the President will be reelected.

Anonymous said...

from saul alinsky's "rules for radicals".

rule : ridicule all opposition, change the subject....confuse with misinformation...deny...deny...get out of town fast ,after instigating turmoil....

Anonymous said...

And you do more ridiculing than anyone else here, Gramps. Your Alinsky training has been very effective.

Anonymous said...


nyczumba said...


nyczumba said...


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