Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lancman vs. Turner

From the NY Times:

In a sign that Democrats are eager to reclaim a Congressional seat in New York City, Assemblyman Rory I. Lancman plans to announce on Tuesday that he intends to challenge Representative Bob Turner, a freshman Republican, in the November election.

The decision by Mr. Lancman — a lawyer by training who is known as an aggressive campaigner — underscores the growing belief that Mr. Turner’s seat, which covers Brooklyn and Queens, will not be eliminated in redistricting, even though state legislative leaders and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo are still squabbling over where to draw Congressional lines.

Several other candidates around the state have also indicated that they cannot wait for the Legislature to act, especially since the Congressional primary, which was recently scheduled for June, is just four months away.


Anonymous said...

Like Shelly Silver, Lancman is part of a big law firm and refuses to disclose his clients. The Daily News asked all of the NYS senators and assemblymen to disclose their clients about a year or two ago, and he was one who refused. Conflicts of interest, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Another Parkside client...

Anonymous said...

I remember Lancman standing outside my polling place 2 years ago begging people to vote for Kevin Kim against Dan Halloran. Guess you can't fault him for party loyalty, though.

Anonymous said...

Lancman is part of a big law firm and refuses to disclose his clients.

Ever heard of attorney-client privilege?

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of attorney-client privilege?

Then don't run for public office. How do we know if he's voting for, or against, bills based on who his clients are?

Queens Crapper said...

Attorney-client privilege refers to communications, not whether someone is a client of a firm.

Anonymous said...

Who's Lancman ? Who's Turner?

Anonymous said...

"Attorney-client privilege refers to communications, not whether someone is a client of a firm."

Not always true, Crappy.

Anonymous said...

Why would Lancman fare any better than Weprin? The district is now more traditional, and will NOT elect yet one more leftist.

Anonymous said...

Depends on how the district is recut.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9:

If Bob Turner is a smart guy (and he strikes me as being that), he's NOT going to run a campaign based as what you wrote. To begin with, the only people who think that Rory Lancman is a leftist have spent way too much time watching Fox News. Many of the people who elected Lancman live in the same state senate district that kept electing Frank Padavan.

The Democrats want that seat back and are going to take Turner a lot more seriously than they did last year, which means that they are going to use all of their resources to win. Turner will have to do a lo more than saying "he's a leftist."

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