Tuesday, November 15, 2011

He should practice what he preaches

From the NY Post:

Sure, when it comes to Washington’s spending, he’s got all the answers. But critics note New York City’s debt has ballooned on Mayor Bloomberg’s watch.

Hizzoner said on Tuesday that fixing the federal budget is “just not that difficult to do, if you have courage.”

He scolded President Obama and both houses of Congress for their budget gridlock, sketching out a costcutting, taxraising, entitlement shaving plan that he said would dismantle the deficit and balance the budget in 10 years.

“I was reminded of the guy telling his neighbor how to fix his roof while his own is leaking,” Councilman James Oddo (RSI/Brooklyn) said of Bloomberg’s lecture. “Ten years into the mayor’s term, we have large, longterm fiscal problems we have not dealt with.”

Bloomberg’s budgets have increased the city’s capital debt by 72 percent —from about $42.7 billion when he took office in 2002 to $73.5 billion today.

That comes out to $8,763 of debt for every New Yorker, or 18 percent of an average New Yorker’s personal income — up from $5,293, or 14.3 percent, in 2002.


Anonymous said...

"Bloomberg’s budgets have increased the city’s capital debt by 72 percent —from about $42.7 billion when he took office in 2002 to $73.5 billion today."

And his personal wealth has skyrocketed from $4 billion to over $18 billion.

Jerry Rotondi said...

So, the pot dares
to call the kettle black!

Bloomberg tells DC what to do when our diminutive financial "wizard" can't even run NYC---
except maybe into the ground!

Abdicate and spend the rest of your time in Bermuda, or do you prefer London digs?

Anonymous said...

Bike lanes cost!

Anonymous said...


his financial advisor is Steven Rattner, former obama motors (GM) CAR CZAR, who was a participant in the Allan Hevesi Comptrollers pension fund scandal.
he has invested doomsberg's money in gold mines and oil.
how is that for a environmental "GREENIE" RINO ?

is there any legal insider trading going on ?

Rattner was court ordered to pay a $10 million settlement for involvement in the $25 Billion NY STATE PENSION scandal, that hevesi and others went to prison for.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the much touted "fiscally responsible" republicans -always- leave a hugs deficit and bloated government in their wake.

Reagan bloated government and ballooned the deficit:


Clinton left a form of surplus, but Bush II fixed that with two wars and massive tax cuts for the rich and corps.

Say whatever you will, republicans are a disaster for America.

Anonymous said...

when the U.S.was attacked by muslim middle eastern AlQueda in 1993, clinton was under the WH desk with his intern.

when this enemy attacked again in 2001, G.Bush defended the citizens of America and retaliated.
the U.S.was never bombed again.

Anonymous said...

"when the U.S.was attacked by muslim middle eastern AlQueda in 1993, clinton was under the WH desk with his intern."

If you are referring to the first WTC bombing -Clinton was in-office only one month at the time.

Types like you often blame Clinton for 9-11, by that reasoning Bush-1 was responsible for 2-26-93.

FWIW: Bush-2 had been in office for 8 months at the time of 9-11. Even as a Liberal I don't blame him for this, it was the entrenched fiefdoms of the FBI and CIA that failed us.

Bush's fault is huge deficit for two bungled wars with no proper funding.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg detractors are invariably close relatives of schoolteachers, minus a few loons who think he is Uncle Martian

Anonymous said...

is this the same Steve Rattner (the "TIMES MAN") ,google this for more info, who was defended by former Clinton Asst. Attorney General, JAIME GORELICK ?

did he never go to jail for involvement in the Hevesi NYS pension fund scandal ?

Did Freddie Mac pay her $26,000,000, Million ?

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