Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good luck with that...

From the Daily News:

The Queens Republican Party is looking to expand into Forest Hills, an area historically dominated by Democrats and a rival GOP faction.

The new American Eagle Republican Club of Forest Hills is hosting its first meeting Tuesday night at the Forest Hills Jewish Center.

The move is part of a larger plan for the party to branch out beyond its tradition base in northeastern Queens.

“After the [Bob] Turner victory, Forest Hills jumped to the top of the list,” said Robert Hornak, a spokesman for the Queens GOP.

Republicans were energized by Turner’s win of the 9th Congressional District seat long held by former Rep. Anthony Weiner.

Party officials said they are hoping that success translates into momentum for other Republican candidates in upcoming state and citywide elections.


Anonymous said...

"Party officials said they are hoping that success translates into momentum for other Republican candidates in upcoming state and citywide elections.'

HA! Fat head's chance. The gop is withering City and Statewide.

Question: What effect did Turner's victory have on other races? See below.

Answer: None.

Anonymous said...

Can't hurt to try.

Anonymous said...

Republicans should stop scaring off senior voters, with talk of getting rid of social security and medicare.

Anonymous said...

If there's a conservative Jewish/pro-Israel group to court in Queens, you'll see bob Turner there.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the haggerty brothers will build a beachead in whitestone. we all know tabone has done terrible job of reaching out to the massive insurgent groups that have been growing in whitestone and bayside.

Anonymous said...

"i wonder if the haggerty brothers will build a beachead in whitestone. we all know tabone has done terrible job of reaching out to the massive insurgent groups that have been growing in whitestone and bayside."

From jail?

Anonymous said...

DEMOCRATS should stop scaring senior citizens with FALSE reports that the G.O.P. is going to stop social security and medicare.

Paul Ryan's plan for medicare reform is to prevent medicare from going bankrupt, in its present state, so that all seniors will get benefits in the future.

no one over 55 years of age will lose any S.S.I & MEDICARE benefits.

if obamacare is put into effect in 2014, all seniors will lose $500 BILLION IN MEDICARE BENEFITS.plus the obama death panel will over rule your doctor's medical advice to you, by refusing care money that you contributed to in your life's paychecks.

Anonymous said...

"DEMOCRATS should stop scaring senior citizens with FALSE reports that the G.O.P. is going to stop social security and medicare."

Gee, I wonder why anybody would think that?
The gop have been out to kill Social Security and medicare since they were enacted.

Oh, and their plan to privatize S.S.?..yeah that would work great about now wouldn't it.

Cat food Gramps?

Anonymous said...

i repeat : no politician is going to take S.S.I away from seniors over 55 years of age.

the fund will eventually go broke for those under that age, if P.Ryan type reform is not enacted.

a $500 billion cut in medicare,by obama and democrats,will affect ALL SENIOR'S in 2014,unless repealed.

stopping the waste and theft of services and tort reform (by ambulance chasing lawyers who donate the most $ to democrats) will lower the cost of medical care in the Nation.

emergency room funds (MEDICARE) are being scammed by the Sanctuary City Progressives ,enabling the millions of illegal aliens to rip off our hospitals. many hospitals are bankrupt because of this democrat failure to the citizens of n.y.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i repeat : no politician is going to take S.S.I away from seniors over 55 years of age."

You are not only a liar, but a selfish one too.

There are no "death panels' -anywhere in Obama's legislation.

That idiot puppet Palin trotted that out to scare the Great Unwashed. Even that dunce Sen. Grassley when questioned by CBS' Bob Shieffer admitted that there was nothing in that legislation that would lead to this sort of thing.

You want 'death panels' -try insurance companies. They routinely deny treatment on whatever grounds they can. Both my neighbors and a friend had to sue to get treatment for a heart condition lung cancer. They had paid into their private insurance co.'s for decades.

Your lies aren't going to fool anybody that thinks and researches.

Anonymous said...

RE: "there are no death panels"

Research this....(I.P.A.B.) INDEPENDENT PAYMENT ADVISORY BOARD. 15 unelected bureaucrats with the power to deny medical care to senior citizens.

Anonymous said...

There is no reason Forest Hill does not go Republican - people need choice and long time incumbents of any party become stale or corrupt - time to send incumbents home for good. Let's start with Rep Joe Crowley, Wreprin's political godfather.

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