Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weiner has left the building

From the NY Post:

Disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner did his fellow Democrats no favors yesterday -- moving out of his district just as his panicking party struggled to hold on to his endangered congressional seat.

Weiner took the last remaining items from his Queens co-op just in time to remind voters why they have to vote today -- because he resigned in a sexting scandal that made him a national laughingstock.

Weiner is ditching the neighborhood that sent him to Congress six times, and is renting a three-bedroom apartment on a high-rent Greenwich Village street, sources said.

Hey, remember when he said he needed to keep his job because he had a mortgage and bills to pay and would suffer financial hardship if forced to resign? I guess that was a crock of shit.


Anonymous said...

The question is: when will his wife ditch him?

Anonymous said...

socialist birds of a feather rot together.

Anonymous said...

It may have made him a "laughingstock" but lets remember, he had no physical contact with any of those women, none of those subjected to his juvenile were underage.

Bottom line: he broke no laws and, in my opinion, should not have resigned.

His greatest disservice was opening his district to a some republican.

Anonymous said...

I am sure his wife is paying the rent. He will be back, you'll see

Anonymous said...

He won't be back. Bloomburg will see to it.

Anonymous said...

It may have made him a "laughingstock" but lets remember, he had no physical contact with any of those women, none of those subjected to his juvenile were underage.

"To his juvenile" ??? Yes, one was.

Bottom line: he broke no laws and, in my opinion, should not have resigned.

How would we know without an investigation?

His greatest disservice was opening his district to a some republican." HaHaHaHa... LMAO..... What a DICK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it now looks like he can take SON OF SAUL WEPRIN with him ....

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Tony. don't forget to text us now and then...

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: he broke no laws and, in my opinion, should not have resigned.

May not have broke any laws and had he simply confessed immediately this agruement would have weight. He showed his contempt for his constituents by lying and trying to cover it up, if he'd lie about something so juvenille how can he be depended on to be truthful about issues of more substance.
let's not forget the Dems won an upstate seat after a congressman sent a shirtless pic of himself and resigned immediately after the story broke.
We need to send a message to all representatives regardless of party that a higher standard of action is expected, moral lapses that take planning and foresight will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

His wife should be ashamed..unless?

Anonymous said...

He broke no laws. He lied......repeatedly!!!!!!!!!!

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