Saturday, August 27, 2011

They decided to stay


Anonymous said...

This evacuation order is nonsense!
We will probably get nothing more than some of the unforecadted rainstorms that we experienced during the year.
Heavy rain and winds of 40-60 mph and a slight storm surge.
This will turn out to be nothing more than a typical Nor'Easter.
Hey, will the city send police to guard the property of those being asked to evacuate?
This has turned into a political storm with unnecessary closing of subway system and dumb evacuations all for the sake of covering Bloomberg and Cuomos political asses!

Anonymous said...

Hope your right, but what if?

georgetheatheist said...

Alert. All points bulletin.

Missing in "action"?

Has anyone seen the Queensborough President Helen Marshall lately?

Anonymous said...

We just had 9" of rain in one day. yes this has a lot of wind too but c'mon.

He's clearly seeing this as a way to create a crisis and then try to whitewash memories of the winter storm fiasco. He should have been chased from city hall right after that mess and special elections called on the spot. Why do we put up with this bullshit?

Unknown said...

The real risk is the storm surge. NYC is, in general pretty low lying, and worse, we have on average small tidal changes (4 foot or so) but with a neep tide (from the new moon) and the storm arriving about the same time, we could end up with 8 to 10 tides. enough to swamp many low lying areas (like the southern tip of Manhattan, and the barrier islands (coney island, rockaway, etc) the exceptional high tide/surge could do real damage--NYC has 13 tunnels (and these could flood.) the 'stayers' better not have cars--they might be perfectly safe in their houses, but 6 foot high tidal/surge water could mean 3 feet of water on the streets--more than enough to flood cars--and engines don't do well when covered with corrosive salt water! Add a few inches of rain, and property damage will be a real issue.

Anonymous said...

If it does turn out to be as bad as predicted, I don't want rescuers risking their lives to help these misguided individuals.

It's best to err on the side of caution.

Anonymous said...

Time for some Darwin Awards

Anonymous said...

Shutting down the entire subway. Hasn't the subway been around for over 100 years? You're telling me that in 100 years we never had a catagory 1 hurricane hit NYC? Because I don't remember ever hearing of the tunnels under the east river getting flooded, or the trains flooded out. Yes Queens Blvd will flood. But that subway floods if someone lets their bathtub overflow in rego park. So give me a break. A mayor who only takes public transit for a photo op now pulls it out from under the average citizens, and you mark my word, FOR NO REASON AT ALL. That's what you idiots get for re-electing his buffoon time and time again.

Anonymous said...

believe it was cuomo who made the call on the mta

Anonymous said...

So, Bermuda Bloomie decides to stay and be Charles in Charge. Great. We the citizens have to pay for his snowstorm make-up.

He managed to do what the terrorists on 9-11 couldn't do, shut down the entire five boroughs of all commerce.

You know this half-pint joke of a mayor is not going outlive his well deserved monikers. like Mayor Irene "Bike" Snowberg.

georgetheatheist said...

Give a listen to the hurricane analysis of Frank of Queens, the Greatest Caller Ever to Talk Radio, from last night's riveting TRP broadcast:

Frank of Queens and John of Staten Island go after NYC Mayor Bloomberg who they call an idiot for shutting down the city because of Hurricane Irene

Anonymous said...

I live in the North Queens Bayside area

i feel safe because we have state committeman Matt Silverstein here to protect us

Joe said...

This grand standing is going in Manhasset Port Washington

I'm going nowhere, once you leave you wont get back in. By then your house is looted.
I put a string and name around my neck, looked the cops straight in the eye and told them they have to arrest and carry me out.
I have the "green box" generator, pumps and HF transceiver ready

Let the animals try and rob me should the power & phone lined go down.

Anonymous said...

You all know these politicians are idiots and grandstanders but you continue to follow the party lines. You blindly follow where others fear to go.

Anonymous said...

Alert. All points bulletin.

Missing in "action"?

Has anyone seen the City Council Public Safety Chair Peter Vallone lately?

Astoria Blackout II

Anonymous said...

The subway closing is just a practice run for Bloomberg's real plan, which is the regular shutting down of the system during overnight hours. Never happen you say? Other cities like Tokyo already do it.

Anonymous said...

Even if Bloomberg wanted to do that (and I don't doubt it), he doesn't have the authority. Remember, the MTA is a state agency.

Anonymous said...

True, but he didn't have the authority to run for a third term either.

Anonymous said...

I live in Whitestone and it was almost impossible to find the right useful information on TV. Have to give credit to Queens Crap and Welcome to, for keeping me and my family informed throughout the evening, you both did a wonderful job. Thank you.
Toni T

Anonymous said...

And why would Bloomberg want to close the subways at night?

Joe said...

"why close the subways at night"
To do like they do in Oklahoma ! Weekdays they basically shut the whole city down and lock everybody from the outer areas out to save $$ on services.
No alcohol sold, no partys, no bars, no traffic etc.
Only the rich tower people have access to a couple malls, theaters walking distance inside the heart of the city.
In my opinion Bloombergs Boston mind New York City only consists of Manhattan island. Everybody else across the rivers are dumb sheep or 2: Archie Bunker middle class who Bloomberg wishes will drop dead or go away.

Anonymous said...

Nothing would be saved, Joe. It took eight hours to close the subways with a hurricane coming. By the time that everything was shut down, it would be time to open again.

In any event, you miss the point - Bloomberg has no power to close the subways at night even if he wanted to do so. The MTA is a state agency. He was four votes out of 15 on the MTA Board. He would have no political support if he wanted to do this in the State government or the city council or anyplace else.

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