Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Queens Muslim melee at Playland


Anonymous said...

Wearing the scarf is not even religious, it's cultural.

Time to stop bending over to foreigners. You want to move here, adapt to our way of life.

That's the way it has been for over 200 years and we have the most successful country in history. Let's keep it that way.

Enough with PC.

Anonymous said...

Awww, multi-cultural rules didnt prevail over safety! Lets riot!!!

My only question is... are we bowing down, or bending over, to appease?

Anonymous said...

Alot of American born muslims wear scarves. They are as much foreigners as thrid generation Italian, Irish, and Greeks.

My point is if Jews have no problems not riding because of their religous head gear how come (some)Muslims take issue?

Safety first, and I applaud Playland for not allowing them to ride if the pose a danger to other riders.

Anonymous said...

let's do like Europe and just make the stupididty illegal, or go on every ride and strangle themselves then they can all sue!

Anonymous said...

Awww, multi-cultural rules didnt prevail over safety! Lets riot!!!

My only question is... are we bowing down, or bending over, to appease?

Well, the place to ask these questions is with any member of the Queens Party Machine.

Keep your cell phone on and record their umms and ahhhs. Then make it public preferably with lampooning commentary to drive the point home for the slower out there.

Make them pay a price for tweeding and destroying your community for so they can harvest their honest graft.

Anonymous said...

Well everyone is so freakin afraid of the Muslims... Time to stand up to the bullies!

Anonymous said...

Black, hispanic and poor white men wear hats, scarfs and in the winter wear ski masks and are pulled over by the NYPD because they "look" suspcious... Yet these women wear FULL BLOW disguises that cover everything except there eyes and are EXEMPT from being questioned by police because it's a "religious garment".

Jews and muslims religious BULLSHIT supercedes AMERICAN law in this city...

They can both BURN IN HELL if it were up to me.

It's ridiculous how people who were BORN IN THIS COUNTRY get second class treatment under the law than some desert mother fucker who just came here 2 days ago.

Anonymous said...

So Rye is a destination for muslims and orthodox jews? Thanks for letting me know. I will add it to the list of "Places I Will Never Visit", right below " The Holy Land Experience Theme Park" and Israel.

Anonymous said...

People in this country are getting fed up with these people and their nonsense. They are about to light a fuse that is going to blow up in their covered faces.

Anonymous said...

People in this country are getting fed up with these people and their nonsense. They are about to light a fuse that is going to blow up in their covered faces.
come on hack, stop your clumsy efforts to discredit this website.

you know they are so pandered to in astoria that they think anywhere they go people will shout hallelujah.

the problem is no one else takes their votes or enjoys the benefit to tweeding them like the local pols.

so, like the local pols, when they leave astoria its a different world.

"Toto! I don't think we are in Astoria anymore"

Anonymous said...

So if they would have let them on the rides to appease them and one of the rags gets caught and pulls half their head off how much do you want to bet that they would be lining up to sue for millions?

Thank You Playland for standing up to these yahoos

Anonymous said...

By the "Queens Party Machine" you mean the Democrats, right?

Anonymous said...

You guys are letting your cultural prejudice overshadow the real issue; that the police can be needlessly over aggressive and abuse their power. It's an issue that can affect any of us. You can't be fine with it when it affects a group you don't like such as Muslims or bicyclists, and then have a problem with it when it affects you or someone you know.

Anonymous said...

Let them riot, the more the better, the sooner the better, it will wear thin!

Cherokeesista said...

Cultural Prejudice my Ass !!! Here we go again playing that favorite card ;-( Sorry it doesn't work anymore ;-) Bravo to Playland for not taking their BULLSHIT !!! AND BRAVO TO THE POLICE FOR DOING THEIR DAMN JOB ;-)

Anonymous said...

if the Westchester P.D. was as impotent as the Oslo, Norway socialist authorities were recently ,many Playland visitors may have been hurt.

it is reported that 3000 muslims were on the premises that day.

Constitutional government in America has a priority, protect your citizens first.

Thank you Westchester police force for your quick response to a potential riot.

it probably will not be the last,unless the Sanctuary City and State , multi-cultural liberal advocates heed their citizen's growing anger.

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