Friday, August 26, 2011

Guy just won't leave

From the NY Post:

A waiter who collects generous tips at a swanky Manhattan steakhouse has been stiffing his Queens landlord for months, settling in as a squatter and refusing to pay any rent, court documents charge.

“He’s not your typical squatter,” livid landlord Tibor Karakas said of alleged freeloader Brian Wiley, 33.

“I think he goes from apartment to apartment doing this. He knows the law. He knows what he’s doing. He knows it will take me six months to get him out.”

Wiley, 33, weaseled his way into the $1,600-a-month, two-bedroom apartment in Woodside earlier this year after the pad’s female tenant took him on as a roommate.

“He was fine until he stopped paying the rent,” griped then-roommate Shannon Rogers, who claimed that Wiley also stiffed her on his half of the utility bills.

Even when a fed-up Karakas changed the lock to the front entrance of the tidy, three-family brick house on 58th Street in the spring, it was Wiley who called the cops, Karakas said.

The officers allegedly told a shocked Karakas to hand Wiley a set of new keys -- and try to evict him in housing court if he wanted.


Anonymous said...

The officers allegedly told a shocked Karakas to hand Wiley a set of new keys -- and try to evict him in housing court if he wanted.
Unfortunately for Karakas this is an illegal eviction in the eyes of the law. The cops' hands are tied in this case and this weasel Wiley knows it. This bum should be put on some deadbeat tennant watchlist, to spare some other unsuspecting landlord the headache of renting to this creep.

Anonymous said...

That's why you have to be careful and try not to rent to certain types of people... you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

You elect officials who pass these laws.

The citizens find ways around it and you complain? The government will circumvent the law and use EVERY loophole possible to impose itself on you.

Reform the laws so that this is not possible.

As I alawys say, DEAL WITH IT.

Anonymous said...

Need to "make him an offer he can't refuse."

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for these small landlords who have poured their family savings into these buildings only to be ripped off. They should have filed a holdover or non-payment action in Landlord-Tenant Court the first day they could to start the clock.

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