Saturday, July 23, 2011

Yeah, it's hot outside!


georgetheatheist said...

You know what I just luuuv about extreme heat waves?

It keeps the human garbage and vermin off the streets.

Saturday morning and the block outside my window sounds like the inside of a church. You can hear a pin drop.

Do PD crime statistics drop when there are triple digits?

Anonymous said...

That's only because the day laborers are taking siestas away from the heat George.

You can't pour concrete, lay bricks, fit pipes, or rivet beams together when the temps are triple digits - unless of course, you want the whole shebang to come tumbling down on your head.

Jackhammers and trucks bearing steel beams may be music to some ears but to the rest of us its the death of our communities.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder where all of that cash generated by the incessant Con Ed rate increases goes? The obvious answer is NOT to infrastructure. We've got a 1950's power grid with 2011 demands. So the cash flows to the wealthy stockholders while we bake in our apts. TURN OF THE AC???? WTF??????

Anonymous said...

Anon -1

Getting any type of new power plant built is almost impossible.

The clowns at the EPA have shut down almost everything new. And the idiots at NRC are also trying to kill nuclear power.

The greens are trying to push us back into the 18th century.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Where's the power...literally and figuratively? I'm sweltering in my apartment WITH the AC. Not enough power in North Flushing to kick on the compressor. Usually I have to turn it down, but not the last few days. WTF?

Anonymous said...

"Getting any type of new power plant built is almost impossible....'It's the liberals fault!'"

Puleeeeeze. Yaa, Con Ed wants to take all that money its generating from its monopoly rate hikes, and instead of stuffing it in the pockets of pols, top management, labor lieutenants and shareholders, they want to invest a lot of it in upgrading the power plant, but the liberals won't let them. Give me a break.

"The idiots at NRC are also trying to kill nuclear power." Considering how I just watched the complete and total meltdown of three nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan four months ago, I'm all for completely killing any new nuclear project. Con Ed doesn't need to do anything fancy other than spend some of those dollars it is rolling in to upgrade its plant.

As Con Ed is not a competitive business, but a government-granted monopoly which stays in business by greasing its own labor lieutenants, the liberal media with ads and Democratic politicians with contributions, I don't even see why a conservative would feel the need to defend them. Teddy Roosevelt broke up trusts and monopolies because he knew they were not a part of dynamic, growing capitalism, but the end of capitalism.

Anonymous said...

I think that woman just threatened the super on TV. What a savage. I'm sure she'll get top notch prompt service from him after that outburst (obvious sarcasm) Why do I suspect that is not her first outburst?

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right. There is what is likely an equipment failure, and Con Ed brings in a portable generator so people have electricity, and the news whore is complaining about the noise from the generator?! While her news trucks probably idle nearby. What an ass.

Anonymous said...

rememeber APRIL 22 ,1970, EARTH DAY, hosted by murderer Ira Einhorn and NAMBLA member Allen Ginsberg.

How are the GREEN windmills cooling your tootsies,this week ?

Why are the GREENS permitting the Asian CEMENT AND BRICK JUNGLES in Queens to cover all the greenery and eliminating all the trees ?

Sanctuary cities equal extra millions of illegal aliens using the electrical services of nyc.

Anonymous said...

But those illegals living 20 to an apt are not consuming nearly as much electricity per capita as small families living in huge central a/c mcmansions with multiple flat screens, video game systems, and computers.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder where all of that cash generated by the incessant Con Ed rate increases goes? The obvious answer is NOT to infrastructure. We've got a 1950's power grid with 2011 demands. So the cash flows to the wealthy stockholders while we bake in our apts. TURN OF THE AC???? WTF??????


Ah-ho, time to bash the mayor, MTA, or of course, Con Ed.

I like seeing Mystery Man Mike Gianaris stand up with a staight face and tell us how Con Ed is supposed to give us uninterrupted power. What are his credentials beside being appointed by Tammany Hall?

Does he have a civil engineering degree? Any experience backing up his rank opinions?

Well, we are being a bit too harsh. He does know some things:

1. no one knows how many people live in his district

2. no one in City Planning gives two shits about infrastructure support as the build build build

3. all new capital improvements from you and my rate payments are going for waterfront tower development while our network rots.

4. bars and cafes now have no fronts so he can tell you to turn down your AC while his buddy Spiros Cafe air conditions the sidewalk.

etc etc etc

Anonymous said...

Are they not getting rid of an electric generator so Suna can build his towers?

Pretty stupid.

Like building 50 story towers - and bike lanes - on a two land road.

But, that's City Planning for you. THEY don't live here.

Paris Hilton said...

That's HOT!

Anonymous said...

I was in a place in midtown today with several voltage meters on power. They all read 125 volts. That's right, midtown, where the tourists are, gets full voltage and lots of frigid AC while we roast with AC units struggling to run on 95 volts.

Anonymous said...

So why aren't our pols saying that? That is why Queens needs another layer of local government - to fight for us.

At least that is what they tell us.

Instead we get a nitwit like "Slippery Mike"

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