Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ed Koch backed up!

MYFOXNY.COM - A truck that tried to cross the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge got stuck Tuesday afternoon and created a traffic backup.

The truck was driving on the Queens-bound outer roadway, which has limited clearance. An overhead structure sheared off the truck's roof.

Authorities have closed that roadway to traffic as well as one Queens-bound inner lane for emergency vehicles. That leaves only one lane open on the lower roadway heading to Queens.


Anonymous said...

the d.o.t. traffic agents must have been on a coffee break at the First Avenue /59 th Street entrance to the outer roadway of the bridge.

no death this time,thank God.

Anonymous said...

Agreed - where was the typical Pakistani traffic cop usually at this location? Seems like the Homeland Security money not being used for this bridge, right?

Detective McNutty said...

Ed Koch was still backed up end to end(queens bound and manhattan bound)when I went home around 8:30 pm. There were also officers conducting what they like to call "safety checks". Stopping random vehicles at the entrance to the outer roadway, which did not help ease the flow of traffic.

ew-3 said...

"There were also officers conducting what they like to call "safety checks"."


Is NYC like Paris 1943?

Detective McNutty said...


They have been doing this for years even before 9/11. They randomly set up checkpoints around the bridge to catch illegal turns, expired insurance, seat belt check, etc. It is a way to raise revenue.

Manhattan side is usually done by the 19th pct I believe. They are notorious for setting up around Bloomingdales, so driver beware.

Evey police force around the country also conduct "sobriety stops" during major holidays. This is nothing new.

Joe said...

It fits perfect !
Ed Koch always been "backed up"

ew-3 said...

Detective McNutty

Thanks for the update, been a while since I lived in NYC.

But my question is still the same. Is this America or 1943 Paris ?

I grew up in NYC, and in 1972 I served on a ship that stopped in Roda Spain. At the time Franco was in charge. The Guardia Seville used to walk around with submachine guns. I remember thinking how evil it seemed. I look at pictures of NYC and see the Guardia Seville there. This is not a good thing.

Love the NYC I grew up in. What I see now appears evil. Does it really serve a purpose? We bring in 2000 Somalians a year for the last few years. Many have made the news as rapists, murders, scam artists, and terrorists. Before NYC cops have to carry M4s, lets get rid of the Somalis.

Anonymous said...

A truck winds up looking like a opened can of SPAM and we get an anti-Somali tirade. A classic post.

At least in Paris 1943, the
Sicherheitspolizei and the Gendarmerie could ask for papers and determine who was legal and illegal.

Anonymous said...

That's Queensborough! Don't sell out. call it by its true name.

Anonymous said...

Koches' back end was blocked to Queens?


Lets come up with lines like that to embarrass that little prick for taking away our bridge.

Anonymous said...

Probably a driver with little to no truck driving experience. Trucking companies are registering their full sized trucks under 26,000 lbs so that anyone can drive them with a regular license. No training, medical exams, or drug testing necessary.

Anonymous said...

This is there way of slowing down traffic on that exit ramp of death into Queens Plaza. A truly Koch-like solution!

Anonymous said...

I saw workers cleaning litter from in between the new concrete "art" with grabber arms. I felt really bad for these guys, there is nowhere for them to stand, they have to balance on the curb while traffic is passing by, and getting that litter out of those cracks did not look easy.

georgetheatheist said...

QueensBORO not QueensBOROUGH..

Anonymous said...

That's why Roy Goodman's gramps invented exLax

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