Friday, April 1, 2011

Why you shouldn't litter

From Bayside Patch:

These photos were submitted by Cathy St. Pierre, who recently tried to help the unfortunate photographed mallard remove a plastic can holder from its head. The bird was "too shy," to let St. Pierre approach it, she said.

It resides in Oakland Lake.


Anonymous said...

So sad - that bird will likely die of thirst or starvation unless that ring comes off . Those plastic rings are not only used on six-packs, but also on tomato sauce and jam purchased at warehouse club stores. If you can fit a finger into a ring, so can a waterfowl's bill. Please cut the rings with scissors before recycling them or placing them in the trash.

Anonymous said...

someone please alert Alley Pond environmental group - they are EXTREMELY CARING to our wildlife.

Anonymous said...

WHat about diversity of attire?

Anonymous said...

Alley Pond Environmental Group does not oversee the welfare of wildlife in the parks - perhaps at one time they did.

KG2V said...

As far as I know, APEC never oversaw the wildlife in that area, BUT they tend to have connections, and know who to call. They care
(Disclaimer, I'm a life member there)

Anonymous said...

i'm sure that there is a thin thread attached to that 6-pack ring, and some Chinese man is sitting in a bush just waiting to reel it in.

Anonymous said...

That duck is screwed.

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