Monday, April 4, 2011

Next one arriving at 2:22!

"Someone may have missed their train but certianly hit their mark on the platform..." - The Flushing Phantom


Moby said...

Evan! You look great in that photo! You make a mom so proud.

Casey Jones said...

Beware of the turd rail!

Anonymous said...

Someone please buy Granny Schulman some depends.

ex gov. a.schwarzenegger said...

Achtung, alvays vatch vere you shtep. Hahr-hahr-hahr!

Anonymous said...

MTA - Going your way!

Anonymous said...

This is blog worthy? You're fucking disgusting, Crappy. It must be a self-portrait.

Queens Crapper said...

You're going to leave your house and pass piles of this stuff today. And this is offensive to look at on your computer monitor?

Anonymous said...

Instead of getting pissed off at the blogger, why not express disgust to the MTA. You're really mad at the person who did this, anyway, not at Crappy. Misdirected anger...

Anonymous said...

This was undoubtedly laid by some illegal alien who is tweeding all of Queens and is in bed with the Bloomberg administration.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm could this possibly be from one of the members of our vibrant and diverse community?

Anonymous said...

What was John Liu doing at the Broadway station?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm could this possibly be from one of the members of our vibrant and diverse community?

Written by a hack to discredit Queens Crap and to kill discussion on these topics.

Ain't gonna happen!

Anonymous said...

THAT is Queens Crap!

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden spitting is not so bad.

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden spitting is not so bad.

See? Problem solved!

Le Gross Foo Chat said...

Does Miss Heather ("New York Shitty") know about this?

Helen Marshill said...

Oops. I dropped my lunch! Thanks for helping me find it.

Anonymous said...

That's not Evan Stashitsky? Coulda fooled me!!! Same stench anyhow.

georgetheatheist said...

The Ed Koch Turd.

Anonymous said...

Seems as if Alan Hevesi was in the neighborhood.

CJ said...

Please watch the gop between the platform and the train

Hinkly said...

Is that a piece of corn

Anonymous said...

Hinkly said...
Is that a piece of corn

Go for it!

Anonymous said...

your neighbors think nothing of allowing their leashless dogs to crap all over the soccer field north of the bayside h.s. football field.,in bayside at 29 avenue.

these inconsiderate fools care less that many children use this space daily.

the signs clearly state "NO DOGS",$250.00 fine.

so much for n.y.c. enforcement of laws ?

Evan said...

Hinkly said...
Is that a piece of corn

Go for it!



Anonymous said...

That's a BIG turd. Something that large may require a Special Permit or a Zoning Variance?

Let's ask CB#7.

Hinkly said...

Damn..It was a tooth

CB#7 said...

Let's ask CB#7.

Pass the ketchup.

Anonymous said...

Your name is crapper, after all

Anonymous said...

Dang politicans splatter their brains everywhere

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