Sunday, April 3, 2011

Candidates spent matching funds on trips and parties


Anonymous said...

And, in addition, some were said to have gotten free trips to Taiwan!

Maybe, Gary Ackerman, some CB#7 folks, etc. in the late 70s or early 80s....huh?


Was Tommy Huang their travel agent?

Perhaps the Trib's whoremaster and Manes' old "bag man" Michael Nussbaum got a good rub down there...da ya think?

Anonymous said...

Let's hang 'em upside down and shake their pockets out to get a refund!

Why aren't these people being arrested?

Because we live on a crooked country road in a crooked backwater borough strangled by its Democratic dictatorship!

Those asshole buddies Republican gangsters ain't much better for that matter!

Not when you've got Walrus lipped Phil Ragusa at the helm and cookoos like Koo and Halloran wandering in the halls of the nuthouse.

Anonymous said...

Ragusa takes care of all the tax issues and the funneling for the Republicans, Tabone spent a ton of money on parties, Forcina had a bunch of parties and a ton of ordering in, Halloran had a few "fundraisers" at the local watering hole. Its all there for you to see at the Department of Elections fincance disclosure website.

Heck you can even find out who was paid "consultant" fees and who was paid printing fees.

Corruption at its best, the Queens Political Mafia.

Anonymous said...

Which candidates, now in office, have spent on trips and parties? and how much?

Anonymous said...

This is why people get into politics. It's not to represent the people anymore. It's to see how much money they can line their pockets with while they are in office. Furthermore, if they get caught, the laws don't apply to them, so nothing happens to them. This encourages them to continue to manipulate our legal system and steal the taxpayer money. Makes you want to run for office, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Liu is just like his father. Is anyone surprised that he got caught missusing public campaign dollars? Audit his office.

Anonymous said...


Aren't you paying attention???

Perhaps it's no longer a matter of if---
Just when!

Anonymous said...

the audio on the tape is not loud enough to understand .
which politicians are listed ?

is there concrete proof that this spending occurred ?

which ever political party candidates committed a crime ,we should know.

the question is will the electorate, of all party affiliations do the right thing and vote the crooks out ?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the same people run for office over and over again and the political parties sanction them. Most run unopposed and we are stuck with them. Illegals don't vote and the people that do are disgusted and don't bother. This is exactly what the politicians want. They are in office for such a long time and it gives them opportunity to spend taxpayer dollars and buy special interest. Nothing will change because if they are caught, nothing happens to them. Watch Hevesi get off with a slap on the wrist.

Anonymous said...

Ragusa, Forcina, Halloran all raised their money from working people and small busineses in North queens where they are from

unlike the dem machine hacks who had influnence peddlers raise them money from around the state so they can sell out their own districts

Anonymous said...

"unlike the dem machine hacks who had influnence peddlers raise them money from around the state so they can sell out their own districts"

Ol' fool,

The repub's and various front org's pumped millions into local elections around the country.

The tea "party" was a front for the Koch brother as were many of shell organizations:

Anonymous said...

Ragusa, Forcina, Halloran all raised their money from working people and small busineses in North queens where they are from

unlike the dem machine hacks who had influnence peddlers raise them money from around the state so they can sell out their own districts


That makes it better how? They wasted $ from working people and small businesses on dinners, lunches, and "consultants". Wow much better, thanks for clearing that up.

Anonymous said...

Hey people expect a nice dinner and an open bar. When they go to a fundraiser.

Anonymous said...

I see Dizzy Lizzy spent about $6,000 of taxpayer $ on two parties, one around Thanksgiving and over $1,500 on Christmas cards.

She should have given at least $7,000 back to the city.
She sure knows how to spend other people's money.

Anonymous said...

They all know how to spend other peoples money.

Anonymous said...

RE; U.E.S.limousine liberal,

"there you go again"
the c.f.b. data bank proved where the n. queens cm race money came from? all of halloran"s money,(and it was not much ) was from local donors.

his g.ackerman supported opposition was reported to get 95.5% from outside the cm district in the U.S. and asia

btw, your challenge was to another commenter. you are slipping, the pressure of a conservative tea party landslide in 2012 getting to you

mr d. koch donated $100 million to the cancer research institute at M.I.T.,donated to the hospital for special surgery on york ave.; at 70th street and $100 million to the n.y.s. ballet at lincoln center, so your limo liberals can enjoy themselves.

your leftwing supreme court judge ginsberg was enjoying it recently.

can your guru george soros match that ? was he a investor of the brazilian company ,that obama gave the $2 billion of our taxes to?

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