Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hefty lefty wants to ban Happy Meal toys

From the Daily News:

A rotund city councilman who admits his eating habits are off the scales wants to make kids' fast food meals less happy and more healthy.

"I am an example," said Comrie, who refused to say how much he weighs but is thought to be over 300 pounds. "If you look at me. I enjoy fast food and unhealthy eating."

The Queens councilman on Wednesday will press the Fast Food Toy Ban Bill, which limit any meal that comes with a toy to under 500 calories.

That could mean some heavy changes for the big name chains.

Any restaurant caught hawking toys with crappy food would face fines ranging from $200 to $2,500 - the penalty increasing for repeat offenders.


Anonymous said...

Advice to Comrie: stop frequenting McDonald and your Pizza joint, eat vegetarian, and exercise. Go to the Y daily and do some aerobics.
You'd live longer.

Anonymous said...

Advice to Comrie (and the rest of the city council): Eat more fried food, don't exercise, remain a couch potato. Get TIVO and watch more TV.
You'll die sooner and the taxpayers won't have to pay your bloated pension for as long.

Anonymous said...

McDonalds is creating jobs and feeding people. Two things the City Council can't do. If you can't read the calorie counts for the items you want to buy, blame the city's schools not McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

That's one huge nanny-stater!! I say STFU and heed his own advice...don't buy Happy Meals!! City Council is one limp p.....k!!!! This is what they have come to. Pathetic!!!

Leroy said...

Do as I say!

Not as I do!

Anonymous said...

This guy is a hideous embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

People should have the choice to choose what they want to eat. if they are too stupid to know how to count calories, know the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats, poly unsaturated fats, or how much sodium/sugar is too much for their body, then too bad for them. Just choose healthier options and don't go to McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

NO cigarettes, no fried foods, no sugar, no salt, no happy meals. I thought we lived in a free country. Oh, I forgot -- I live in New York under the Bloomburg Dictatorship. My bad. The government should mind their own business. What next? Jail if you don't eat a balanced diet?

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

What next? Jail if you don't eat a balanced diet?

Zat'z right! Now you get it, Arschloch!!!

Anonymous said...

he should audition for "DANCING WITH THE POLITICAL STARS".

Anonymous said...

I'd say 400 pounds is more like it.

linda said...

tell the fat slob to stop eating crap! my boys ate mcdonalds happy meals and it never made them overweight. this man is trying to punish children for his own bad habits. i can't believe the city is at it again! don't we have more important issues then attacking fast food chains....

Anonymous said...

maybe the slob should stop running into KFC and eating a bucket of chicken.. maybe he's jealous they didn't have toys in his meals..

Anonymous said...


How does that man find his dick to pee?

Anonymous said...

When Mr. Comrie loses 100 pounds , then he can talk. Otherwise shut your big fat mouth.

Maybe he should have consulted with Cong. Anthony Weiner. He looks more like a spokesman for
better healthy meals.

Anonymous said...

He may be wrong, but he deserves credit for integrity

Anonymous said...

Comrie wants to run for Queens Borough President when he and Helen Marshall are finally term-limited out of their current jobs. Question: would you rather have Comrie or Peter Vallone? Who else is going to run for BP?

Anonymous said...

If you eat at McDonald's you are trash.

Anonymous said...

"How does that man find his dick to pee?"

He doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this guy in a cartoon?

Anonymous said...

Another hypocritical Democrat who doesn't practice what he preaches. Shut the fuck up Comrie and get your own grotesque ass in order before you open your mouth telling us what to eat.

Auntie Pasta said...

I am pretty annoyed by the fat hate on this board. how do we know that these anonymous posters are not overweight themselves and are stuffing their faces as they post?
Comrie is a brave man.


Anonymous said...

Maybe stop taking your kids to McD's 6 times a week. Maybe stop sitting on your ass at home when your kids are locked in front of a TV playing video games. Maybe enforce healthy eating habits at an early age instead of forcing Chicken Nuggets and Mac N Cheese down your kids throats on a daily basis cause it's "Simple and easy to make".

Has nothing to do with what's in a happy meal or what's at a fast food joint. It's the parenting in today's society and it is terrible. This is why kids are growing up these days to be creeps.

Anonymous said...

Like wasting the taxpayer's dime renaming the bridges while life becomes financially intolerable and living standards decline for the average New Yorker:

Trivial Issues from Trival Minds.

This guy would not even qualify as a postal clerk in the real world, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty annoyed by the fat hate on this board. how do we know that these anonymous posters are not overweight themselves and are stuffing their faces as they post?
Comrie is a brave man.
I weigh 123.

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