Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gangs wearing colors to court

From the Daily News:

Each day, a dozen or more young men stroll into Queens Supreme Court sporting the Cincinnati Reds' signature red-and-black cap.

The fashion trend doesn't mean the borough has stopped rooting for the Mets in favor of this year's National League Central champions.

Veteran prosecutors say members of the Bloods - the largest and most dangerous gang in Queens - have worked the red "C" into their wardrobe in a direct slap at blue-themed rivals the Crips.

Queens' top gang prosecutor complains the brazen thugs wear the cap to intimidate witnesses or show solidarity with brother gangsters.

Cops and prosecutors say the hats are an especially common sight in Queens because of the Bloods' strong presence in Far Rockaway housing projects for more than a decade.


Anonymous said...

How nice.

Anonymous said...

And the judges don't kick people out of the courtroom for not dressing court appropriate attire? (suit and tie)

Anonymous said...

And the judges don't kick people out of the courtroom for not dressing court appropriate attire? (suit and tie)

Of course not, that would be infringing on "MAH RIGHTS, mofo!" Obama preziden nah, Weez can do whats weez wants.

Anonymous said...

Vibrant Diversity

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 3:

You mean that wasn't happening during the previous administration as well?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. so all the boys get together and decide what pretty matching colors they're going to wear (in this case red) and than walk around in pants revealing the back of there underwear. Infact the guy in the photo braided his hair. This all sounds really gay to me.

Anonymous said...

These are Narco Terrorists who are being enabled by do nothing politicians. the gangs are holding our communities hostage and killing off our young people.

Anonymous said...

You should be allowed to kill roaches on sight.

Deke DaSilva said...

Not only do we get some wonderful restaurants in the Diversity! Bonanza, our Vibrant! underclass also sports some colorful headgear!

Just wait until our courts are filled with Vibrant! gentlemen sporting turbans, fezes, and kufis!

Anonymous said...

You mean that wasn't happening during the previous administration as well?

I'm pretty sure that during the Bush administration "those people" weren't going around declaring "We in da White House nah!" Obama's election seems to have given some the thought that they now have free reign to declare they can do as they wish.

Just wait until our courts are filled with Vibrant! gentlemen sporting turbans, fezes, and kufis!

What would be wrong with that? Why is that so offensive to you? Religious clothing is perfectly acceptable. Gangwear is not. Would you tell a jewish lawyer or judge he should remove his yarmulke? Of course not. So, why would you ask a Sikh to remove his turban?

Anonymous said...

2012 is coming people, hope this comet comes & wipes the earth clean!!

Deke DaSilva said...

What would be wrong with that? Why is that so offensive to you?

Perhaps the jokes on you, buddy!

You obviously would have no problem with a demographic shift in the criminal justice system clientele, if it shifted from "those people" as you so aptly put it, towards "the religion of peace"?

Religious clothing is perfectly acceptable.

Yes, religious clothing is perfectly accetable for those appearing in our courts!

Perhaps you're missing your own irony? What's the purpose of religion, if our courts are filled with supposed "religious" individuals sporting their "religious" headwear?

Gangwear is not.

Why so? Isn't a brand new Starter baseball cap with the tag attached, simply an expression of the vibrant culture of our non-Asian minority (NAM) population?

Would you tell a jewish lawyer or judge he should remove his yarmulke? Of course not.

You would tell a vibrant member of the Bloods to remove his Cincinnati Reds cap?

Do you value your life?

So, why would you ask a Sikh to remove his turban?

Would you tell Mitt Romney to remove his Mormon underwear?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 10:

Who says someone said that? That was Anon No. 3 cooking up dialogue that he/she thinks black people are saying.

Anonymous said...

WTF? There's is a difference between freedom of choice and.or violating civil rights. When one wears apparel indicating a particular way of life, automatically we are aware of their dedication to express in public who they are. Automatically this creates some attention albeit positive or negative. I work in a NYC middle school, and pro-active measures were taken due to "signals" students were wearing ie: colored bracelets, indicating sexual invites and openness for meeting other students to participate. This was not threatening anyone! Therefore the parents and school voted to have a STRICT uniform dress code. Every child is equal! Perhaps a similar policy would benefit everyone, when in a government building, preventing any bias or prejudice we ALL suffer from. In the best interest for all, or maybe stanard red white and blue for all activities on public property!

Anonymous said...

It is in no way shape or form ILLEGAL to be in a gang. Nor is it illegal to affiliate with gang members.

On the otherhand however it is illegal to participate in illegal acts for the benefit of the gang.

Anyone who has disagrees with this


Deke DaSilva said...

It is in no way shape or form ILLEGAL to be in a gang. Nor is it illegal to affiliate with gang members.


What other pearls of wisdom you have for us?

You going to tell us next that John Gotti was innocent - he was simply the head of a "gentleman's social club"?

The Crips and Bloods are simply a bunch of baseball enthusiasts who like to sport their headwear in public?

Al Qaeda is just a misunderstood collection of "religious scholars" and nice guys that like to read the Koran together?


Anonymous said...

Therefore the parents and school voted to have a STRICT uniform dress code. Every child is equal! Perhaps a similar policy would benefit everyone, when in a government building, preventing any bias or prejudice we ALL suffer from. In the best interest for all, or maybe stanard red white and blue for all activities on public property!

Are any sikh boys in your school forbidden from wearing their Patka? Jewish boys their yarmulke? Mormons their Temple garments?

There's a huge difference between religious wear and gang wear, sexual indicators/invites/whatever. Deke doesn't see that difference.

Deke's examples of "vibrant culture" are no comparison to the religious examples I've noted.

Anonymous said...

Forget all the religious and political bullshit -- It's disrepectful to wear a hat in court, except for religious purposes, so why can't the court officers just tell these people to remove their cap.

Anonymous said...

Fuck these pieces of shit.

Bunch of pansy bastards.

I'll kick all of their sorry asses with my eyes closed.

Anonymous said...

It boils down to being in a long lost society. No return.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 19 --

You know where they are. Go right ahead.

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