Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why the curbs are broken

"In August you added a post and my parents got a flyer someone had in the neighborhood that had your photos. They live in the neighborhood. Here is some more fuel to the fire. The curbs were bad but they were totally destroyed when they fixed the sewers....see photos. Taken 6/22/2004" - anonymous


Anonymous said...

my curbs were bad when dep did the sewers in 2004. They got worse from the sewer construction. They also redid a piece of my sidewalk that had to come out for the serwer replacement. I got cited for that piece of sidewalk for a tiny crack four years later (when I inquired about a curb repair). That's right, you ask about a curb repair and they cite you for sidwalks when almost all the cracks are caused by city trees. The one crack I cannot attribute to a city tree belong to the sidewalk dep did only four years prior.

Anonymous said...

prior to the repaving of above avenue, Senator F.Padavan and C.M.Dan Halloran wrote letters to D.O.T. commissioner Sadik-kahn, requesting replacement of the destroyed curbs.
at first she said no money is available. a second letter stated that the curbs replacement would be placed on a FUTURE list.
presently each time it rains a flood engulfs each intersection for days. during winter days the water freezes. an accident in the near future,enabled by poor n.y.c. government planning.

homeowners paid an increase of 22.5% in property
tax since 2002 . a new 3.5.% increase is in the city council now. who is stealing the citizens tax revenues?
why are we constantly asking these thieves to stupidly govern us ?

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