Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Amtrak cutting older trees in order to plant new ones

From the Queens Chronicle:

Woodside residents are happy to see new greenery after Amtrak recently made good on its promise to replace trees it felled along tracks in the area last spring as part of a maintenance program.

The federal railroad company began planting new trees in the area about two weeks ago, starting on 50th Street and ending just beyond 28th Avenue.Another shipment of trees is due, and the company will continue planting where it left off, according to community members.

To accommodate the new trees and shrubs, Amtrak will be cutting a few remaining trees on 31st Avenue and 57th Street and on 28th Avenue and 56th Place.

Our federal stimulus money at work!


Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says..

Yeah what nonsense - this is about someone getting a lucrative contract.

Anonymous said...

Tree trimming is different than tree cutting. If trimming was done on a continual basis, the mature trees would have remained. Granted there may be areas some mature tree would be eliminated entirely but not tree razing which is essentially eliminating all trees regardless.

I guess the contractor found that to be the most effective way and incentive to do so is probably written right into the contract. We need greenery in a safe effective way nearest the rails. Trees are pretty, provide oxygen, hide the rails.

Woodsider said...

They're planting what appear to be smaller pine saplings, which makes Amtrak's thinking on this clear - low maintenance stuff with low possibility of interference with the tracks.

They're also changing the fence that lies between the tracks and street (they started yesterday and have been pounding away outside my window all night). They haven't put in the new one yet, so I don't have any news that will satiate the paranoid idiots who said the first trees were cut down so you can see terrorists roaming the tracks. But I'm pretty sure they're put something tall and secure so we have no worries. Mmmmkay?

T-minus 2 hours until a caps locked rant about how terrorists could derail an Amtrack train in Woodside...

Anonymous said...

It's called recycling!

Anonymous said...



NYC Air Conditioning & Vent Cleaning said...

As long as they are planted safely.There is no point in cutting down the valuable treasures that save our life from many health hazards.

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