Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shady mosque accepts donation for incident that never happened

Okay, please watch this (yes, I know it's old news):

Now read this: Woman Raises $1,180 to Replace Urinated-on Prayer Rugs in Queens Mosque

Yeah, I asked the same question. "How the hell does a mosque that had their attorney tell all of us out in TV land that the incident never happened take money from someone from out-of-state who mistakenly and understandably assumed that the original widely circulated news reports were true without first setting the record straight?"

I for one was not allowing this to go by without comment! (Very unlike me, I know...)

So I wrote to Jen Doll at the Voice and she wrote a lengthy detailed follow up. Kudos, Jen.

I'm really hoping video footage of this mosque on 9/11/01 turns up. If the rumors are true, I would LOVE to be the one to break that story.


Anonymous said...

You think the mosque would return the money since it was donated under false pretenses. How many bullets can the Taliban buy with $1,180?

I've given up hope on someone having a video of them dancing in front of that mosque on 9/11. Unfortunately at the time although cell phones were prevalent they didn't even have picture taking capabilities, let alone video. It's been 9 years later, you think someone would have posted a video by now. Although I'm sure that even if one did surface, liberals would still justify it somehow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Naw, its Astoria, where they bend the smoking rules for hookah pipes ... and votes.

Even if they were dancing the local pols (and their wannabe hangers on) would either ignore it, or, if you insisted on rubbing their noses in it, tell you if you don't like it you should move.

ew-3 said...

People need to understand a mosque is not what westerners would consider a church.
It's much more like a KKK meeting hall. Anything goes to promote the political agenda.

Anonymous said...

Been living on 25th Avenue between Steinway and 41 Street well over a decade.. I stayed home on 9/11 and spent most of the day on my stoop. I can tell you at no time did any sort of celebration happen outside the Al Imam Mosque. Ever. Neither on the day, nor afterwards, nor any of these other retarded rumors I've heard. It's funny, but nobody has come to ask myself or my neighbors anything. We could easily confirm it didn't happen. But it seems like people are just looking for a reason to justify their latent racism, and will go so far as to just make shit up.
Also, my church has fundraisers listed for specific projects but the money eventually goes towards all sorts of stuff. No big deal.

Queens Crapper said...

Money may be donated for specific projects in your church and eventually used for something else, but this was donated because of a widely reported incident that never happened. The mosque went on local TV and said it never happened, but when a misinformed woman from somewhere else took pity on them and raised money to mend fences, they neglected to tell her that there never was an incident. Taking advantage if people is wrong in any religion.

Anonymous said...

Falsely reporting an incident is also a crime. Did that original worshiper get charged with making false statements to the police?

Deke DaSilva said...

Rachel Barenblat, a rabbinical student who lives in a small town in Western Massachusetts

Jesus Christ!!

Why am I not surprised that a lefty self-hating Jew is the one responsible for collecting funds for this mosque?

Take a gander at her here:

'Nuff said!

She calls herself "Velveteen Rabbi", and she's not even a rabbi!

Benjamin Netanyahu remarked: "thankfully - (there is) no such thing as “Jews for Jihad”", but maybe he shouldn't speak so soon.

Don't give "Velveteen Rabbi" any ideas!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Taking advantage of people is wrong in any religion."

ALL religions take advantage of people.

I know I'm starting to sound like George The Atheist

Anonymous said...

ALL religions take advantage of people.

I know I'm starting to sound like George The Atheist


Go ahead. Say what you want. It's a free country...if you have millions of dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've given up hope on someone having a video of them dancing in front of that mosque on 9/11. Unfortunately at the time although cell phones were prevalent they didn't even have picture taking capabilities, let alone video.
Not to worry, I am sure we will get another chance to record them celebrating another American tragedy soon enough. Wake th F--K up America!

Anonymous said...

"Been living on 25th Avenue between Steinway and 41 Street well over a decade.. I stayed home on 9/11 and spent most of the day on my stoop. I can tell you at no time did any sort of celebration happen outside the Al Imam Mosque. Ever...

But it seems like people are just looking for a reason to justify their latent racism, and will go so far as to just make shit up."

1) What do you NOT believe? That there are NO terrorists living in NY and the NY area? Time to change your plates from Oklahoma to New York plates if you intend to stay here. It's a crime to run on out of state plates in NY for more than 30 days - OR DIDN'T YOU CHECK THAT BEFORE YOU MOVED HERE?

2) That mosques are NOT equivalent to churches and synagogues and are a hybrid of a house of worship and a political hall? Not making any fun of anyone's religion here including your's but you are incorrect in your thinking here.

3) or that what is stated here is a known fact among people who are from the area (or at least the ones that were here before they were pushed out from the smell and the roaches and rats and the unsanitary conditions caused by establishments that aren't fined by the city for health violations because the inspectors are corrupt and get paid off) that have seen this neighborhood go from a tight knit community where people cared about one another to a hands off, politically correct political ploy for more votes from illegal aliens?

There IS NO STOOP on the block you are stating. A quick look onto Google Satellite Maps will prove you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

Mike Bloomberg guilty of Misdemeanor A? RESIGN!!! Ditto Wolfson! Resign!!!

check out my new YouTube -- it is old news but important news. Mike is like Naomi Campbell. Supermodels don't go to jail.

note: Alexander Hamilton did not represent Zenger wasn't born yet. I won't have time to read comments. thanks and love for your support.


georgetheatheist said...

Urinating on the prayer rugs? That's not all. What about all those smelly feet in your face and unwashed asses up in the air?

Anonymous said...

to a hands off, politically correct political ploy for more votes from illegal aliens?

Boy, does that describe to a "t".

Anonymous said...

DaSilva quotes Netanyahu for a good source. Maybe your a self righteous Jewish guy who has no idea about history of the right wing in Israel and their racism towards arabs from the get go since 1948.
Can you defend any of thousands of rabbis involved in molestation and tax evasion in New York. You wanna talk about real shady money transfers look at Marvin Berkowitz who filed thousands of fraudulent tax refunds in the names of federal prisoners in the U.S. then escaped to Israel.

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