Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kitties trapped at housing project without food or water

From the NY Post:

A group of cats trapped in the bowels of a Queens housing complex might be down to their last lives.

Contractors hired by the New York City Housing Authority to seal up crawl spaces and keep out hundreds of stray kitties at the 2,100-unit Ravenswood Houses in Long Island City closed the cubicles before all of the cats could get out, residents and animal activists said yesterday.

By one count, as many as 12 cats are stuck in the small, hot crawl spaces of several buildings and worried feline lovers want the city to bust back in and break them out.

Debi Romano, president of SaveKitty Foundation, a local animal-rescue group, said workers hurried through the Ravenswood project before making sure all the cats were safely out.

"They rushed through the job in four days," Romano said. "This job should have taken at least two weeks. Either they're lying or they're not looking hard enough."

A Housing Authority spokeswoman, Sheila Stainback, said that no cats were stuck in the crawl spaces when the areas were sealed. But she said traps with food and water have been left in the basement areas in case any cats get back in.

Romano is urging city officials to take a closer look, insisting the cats are still there, and that most of them are too smart to be lured into the traps.


Anonymous said...

Save kitty foundation and Debi have donated endless hours to do trap neuter release for cats too feral to be in a home and they have saved many kittens.

There really needs to be a small warehouse used in that area to house some of these cats so they can live a peaceful life and volunteers can stop the huge amount of cats reproducing on the streets down there.

Will the city ever have a small shelter in one of the numerous unused small buildings down there? Probably not. Just more condo garbage Im sure.

Anonymous said...

Previous poster, you want a city-funded cat warehouse? We don't have enough money to pay cops, firemen, and teachers decent wages, and that's what you want? You're delusional.

City run shelter = money out of my pocket
condo garbage = buyer's money spent, not mine

You really are a piece of work.

Anonymous said...

This is a pathetic situation for these felines to die this way. Housing should have taken a lead on the problem as it began, years ago as opposed to hurrying to rid themselves of the cats now.

Anonymous said...

I would rather gives homes to the cats and toss out all the housing project residents.

Can we do that instead????

Anonymous said...

one wonders whether obama;s healthcare czar BERWICK
will monitor these cats (as he will senior citizens), as to which ones live or die ?

SEE:page 425 of the obama healthcare law,which is law in 2014,but you will be taxed on it beginning 2011.

georgetheatheist said...

"I would rather give homes to the cats and toss out all the housing project residents."

I'd rather toss out the residents AND the cats.

Anonymous said...

You really are a piece of work.

Tower Kids couldnt care less about you cause they were taught that you are Archies and Ediths.

They will ride their Mike's Bike's right by your closed hospitals and overcrowded schools.

A place for dear kitty is something they passionately care about - you - well the but of jokes.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Previous poster, you want a city-funded cat warehouse? We don't have enough money to pay cops, firemen, and teachers decent wages, and that's what you want? You're delusional.

City run shelter = money out of my pocket
condo garbage = buyer's money spent, not mine

You really are a piece of work.


You really sound unintelligent coming at someone like that with no knowledge of shelters. Too bad the usual vindictive me me right win folks on here have to ruin an important post.
Is there any Federal money or grants for the ASPCA, Bede A wee, or Human Society there previous poster? I was merely saying maybe one of the small crumbling small building could be donated to a recuse group. Ever volunteered your time there guy at a nursing home or animal shelter?
Doesn't sound like it all.

Take your piece of work attitude and head over to Yahoo news with the rest of the fox fans who rant off the subject and cant spell. If you drive like you talk then you should have your license revoked.

And by the way there is money for police, fire houses, and hospitals but your Bloomberg and even your Wall St Lazio wouldnt properly have funds for that when they can make money off private large real estate projects and new office tower buildings.

And no I am not a tower person there you typical screaming right wing nut.

And the last post Mike's Bikes? that has to be the most idiotic thing Ive heard on here but thats a toss up.
Bikes have been around for many years longer than doomberg. In fact people were riding bikes just as much 25 years ago in U.S. cities. NYC is the last to have any bike lanes.

Back to the topic why would you Queens Crap have this article when people are going to say rude things about the cats? Seems pretty pointless. Doesn't help and there is already a large group volunteers and ladies who have opened up parts of their homes to house cats in transition.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of cat rescue groups who volunteer days of their time in Queens please don't put articles up if your readers are going to say negative things that don't help the cause of getting these cats to place to avoid abuse. We can see enough of that on the NY Post unfortunately.

Queens Crapper said...

On behalf of the first amendment, get a life.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of the first amendment, get a life.


Lunatic Cat Lady, you need to take your meds, or up them. You're calling the second Anon a right-wing nut, and calling Bloomberg "theirs" in the same insane rant. Bloomie is far from right. He's alllll yours, Libtard. Just because he jumped the fence for a bought election doesn't put him on the right.

And by the way there is money for police, fire houses, and hospitals but your Bloomberg and even your Wall St Lazio wouldnt properly have funds for that when they can make money off private large real estate projects and new office tower buildings.

Umm what?

Typical dummoctat.

Anonymous said...

A day may come when the supreme concern to all New Yorkers would be risk to kitten possibly trapped by the carelessness of government contractors, but it is not this day.

Anonymous said...

God bless the animal rescuers.

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