Friday, May 7, 2010

Stupid sanitation summons

From Fox 5:

A New York man called Fox 5 News because he was so mad about a ticket he got from a Department of Sanitation worker. The man says he didn't deserve the ticket.

The man is a building owner in Brooklyn. He says he and his tenants have pledged to separate their garbage correctly. But he says a Sanitation Department enforcement agent wrote him a ticket for a black plastic bag, claiming that the bag contained recyclables.

The building owner, Tony Scott, says he has security camera video that shows the agent never even opened the bag.


jazzy said...

they didn't show the entire video. Stop trying to burn ppl without proper proof

Anonymous said...

Let's thank Bloomberg for squeezing every possible cent out of NYC. These armies of sanitation and parking ticket writers, who are mostly uneducated blacks acting as individual profit centers, didn't exist 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

These armies of sanitation and parking ticket writers, who are mostly uneducated blacks acting as individual profit centers, didn't exist 10 years ago.


Welfare jobs always existed. DMV, Parking Enforcement, MTA token booth operators.

With more DMV paperwork being done online and Token Booth operators being eliminated, they need some place to stick the useless peasants, so they made them sanitation agents.

Anonymous said...

don't need to open the bag, they can easily kick the bag and hear all the cans and plastic bottles. immigrant asshole needs to learn to recycle.

Queens Crapper said...

Interesting. He doesn't appear to be an immigrant, but an American-born black person and he has gone to great lengths to ensure his tenants are recycling. The officer also wrote a summons for paper being in the bag.

So tell me, how did you come up with opposite conclusions after watching that video? Oh, wait, you didn't watch it.

Jeffrey Tastes said...

"don't need to open the bag, they can easily kick the bag and hear all the cans and plastic bottles. immigrant asshole needs to learn to recycle."

Are you serious? This is a nation of immigrants and a city of immigrants. This person seems like a smart, successful family man and would be welcome in any community (except your white supremacist one). Whoever said this is a disgrace to their family lineage and should be extinguished from it.

Jeffrey Tastes said...

but what's really bullshit is that people have to take off work to fight the ticket. so it's not worth the petty 25 dollars other than for fighting for what's right.

There was a politician here who wanted a bill where citizens get paid 100 dollars if their ticket is dismissed. Now that's something I can get behind.

georgetheatheist said...

"Recycling is Garbage" - John Tierney, NYTimes Magazine, June 30, 1996


Visit beautiful Arizona on your next vacation:

georgetheatheist said...

Household Tip of the day:

Stuff your empty soup and tuna fish cans with newspapers before discarding. That way when the jackboot hits the black plastic, the sound will be muffled.


[x] Male
[x] No, not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin
[x] White

Anonymous said...

Isn't the officer issuing the ticket under penalty of perjury? I wonder what would happen if you said "I would like to swear out a purjury complaint" on some of the bogus tickets out there (No necessarly in this case)

Anonymous said...

"Isn't the officer issuing the ticket under penalty of perjury? I wonder what would happen if you said "I would like to swear out a purjury complaint" on some of the bogus tickets out there (No necessarly in this case)"

Better yet - take the whole bag of crap into "court" and dump it on the administrative law judge's desk and scream (just like in "Walking Tall") if you let them do this to me, what's going to stop them from doing it to each and everyone of you! (of course, it's more effective in front of a jury, but what the heck, you get my point!)

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