Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gay activists cause ruckus at Addabbo party

I found this video funny. Not because LGBT activists infiltrated Joe Addabbo's birthday fundraiser to raise hell about his "no" vote on gay marriage, but because

1) They were surprised that he voted no in an overwhelmingly conservative Catholic district
2) They would rather have a Republican in there than Addabbo, who might be persuaded to change his mind down the road
3) They actually think they had something to do with the dumping of Hiram Monserrate
4) They wanted to embarrass Addabbo in front of his father, a former congressman, who they were hoping would be there. (He died in 1986...)

Video found on NBC


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

yet Jon Winkleman supports Quinn fully even after she lied repeatedly. After the slush funds, after extending her term limits, after requiring a permit for activists, after her poor animal welfare record and human rights records. after killing the bill to charge 5 cents for plastic bags. Chrisitine Quinn is the most corrupt disgusting morally corrupt person and yet Jon Winkleman supports her solely because she is gay. Yet she has done NOTHING for the LGBT nor marriage equality. Senator Flannagan voted a BIG NO even after she spoke at the debate that they connected on their Irish heritage. She is full of shit and you people continue to support her.

Anonymous said...

Both Maltese and Addabo suck but Jon Winkleman sucks more

Anonymous said...

Hello, Quinn has mislead all of you even on term limits and yet Jon winkleman licks her ass so he should STFU

Anonymous said...

With people like Chrisitine Quinn and Jon Winkleman, Marriage Equality will never happened. They do more harm to the cause than good. I love how Quinn stated she went to the Senate every week to lobby for the bill and yet the bill failed miserably. No one respects Quinn. She is shit

Anonymous said...

Hello, Maltese lost because of the Bush/Republican failure. And Monseratte was an easy target and even though I don't like him at least he did more than Jose Peralta does for the district.

Jon Winkleman support of the worst person in city office = Christine Quinn only worst the marriage equality movement. Get rid of Quinn and the equality will happen.

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of idiots.. to go to this mans party and in front of his family, especially his children. get over it and move to the state that has legalized it.

Anonymous said...

wotta bunch douchebags

Anonymous said...

Someone should take the gays down a notch.

Now they are under the tent, they are rubbing our faces in their crotches.

So much of our lives that are valuable, kids, religion, yes the normal things in life they hold in contempt.

If they keep this up, their entire culture will be branded as party hacks.

And someday, someday, when we finally throw the machine off our backs, we will remember who their little hacks that did the nasty for them.

Anonymous said...

Jon Winkleman's math is fuzzy-wuzzy. Addabbo trounced Maltese by over 15%, he didn't just squeak in.

Anonymous said...

Winkleman being an asshole has nothing to do with giving people their equal rights.

I am for not making religous affiliations recognize their marriages but I am against the government engaging in this hate.

FYI, Addabo voted for Malcolm Smith to be Senate Leader, that's enough for me not to vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

The ridiculous behavior of the gay activists will turn many undecided voters away from their cause.

I have no problem with gay marriage if it is legalized, but I do have a problem when gays force themselves on those who oppose them, and resort to name-calling.

The label homophobe is fake. It was invented by a gay person as a tactic to smear opponents. Perhaps Winkelman is a heterophobe.

Anonymous said...

Facts don't matter; they need to prance around, make a scene and be the bell of the ball!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Winkelman is a heterophobe.

Yep, Winkleman is against all that is not gay regardless of the merit. He is an asshole, really

Anonymous said...

(LOL) Bless those howling homos!

They can always find a back door in to crash a fete.

Klink Cannoli said...

A lovely display of a profound underlying issue of being LGBT... narcissism.

LGBT social and political activism corrupted the science of psychology in 1973 with the farce APA Nomenclature Committee rulings leading to the removal of homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM III). A tragedy stifling the forward movement in the study of human sexuality.

Anonymous said...

The gays can't get him out of office there now because of the demographics of the district, they know that, that's why they're spending their time venting like this, there's nothing else they can do.

Nothing will change there until the democrats carve up that area in the 2012 re-districting.

In the meanwhile the gay money will probably put Avella over the top and finally dispatch Padavan this year.

Snake Plissskin said...

I remember that Klink - ah Hollywood and the inspiration for fads.

Blumberg. Quinn. Katz. With a crew like that we have a great future.

Yup, just another hijacking, or should we say, perversion of government by increasingly bizarre special interest groups.

Anonymous said...

Yea but I mean the guy did mobilize the LGBT community while he was running and specifically stated that he would vote for gay marriage rights.

Regardless of what his "overwhelmingly catholic and constituency" believes, apparently he didn't think he could get into office with out making those claims so I mean now its time to pay up.

Queens Crapper said...

When did he say that? How did he mobilize them?

georgetheatheist said...

Man, I just love going to Il Palazzo di Vila Roma. Donchoo? It's just about the gaudiest place in NYC. It's Kitsch Heaven.

Anonymous said...

He took a half million dollars of their money... what about that?

Queens Crapper said...

How did he take it? Eminent domain?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like these losers expected him to vote their way simply because he was a Dem.

They're so predictable.

Anonymous said...

LGBT activists prove what a bunch of maggots they are. I am a Repub but will vote Addabbo now.

Anonymous said...

A number of senators like Addabbo and Monserrate directly told the gays they would vote for gay marriage if it came up and the gays gave them a lot of campaign money. They thought the bill would never come to a vote because the republican majority kept it botled up so noone had to go on record. When the democrats won the majority last year and it actually came to a vote they were exposed as liars. Btw, Jimmy Van Bramer, Danny Dromm and Jose Peralta also serve majority catholic districts in Queens, what's the point?

Queens Crapper said...

I said CONSERVATIVE Catholic district. Not a bleeding heart tweeded Catholic district that thinks feeding day laborers in playgrounds is acceptable.

Big difference.

If it's not on the record then it never happened. Next time wear a wire when a pol makes you a promise he later breaks.

opposites attract said...

A stick goes in the hole. The peepees should be different. Common sense.

A stick bangs against another stick? A hole hovers around another hole?

You need a stick and a hole to create another stick and a hole.

What could be simpler than that?

Occam's Razor.

Anonymous said...

It's an exit, not an entrance.

Anonymous said...

You need a stick and a hole to create another stick and a hole.

Somebody had their stick up hole for you to write some stupid shit. Dumb Ass

Anonymous said...

"I am for not making religous affiliations recognize their marriages but I am against the government engaging in this hate."

The government is not "engaging in hate"; it's merely upholding tradtition. And there's no way to dis-allow religious "gay" marriages, which are legal and allow civil "gay" marriages, because all priests, ministers, rabbis. etc., are civil marriage officers. so if you want that license, you have to perform that ceremony.

Queens Crapper said...

That's absolutely untrue. Ask the churches in states that have passed gay marriage.

By your definition of civil law, they also would have to allow female priests or face discrimination lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

"That's absolutely untrue. Ask the churches in states that have passed gay marriage. By your definition of civil law, they also would have to allow female priests or face discrimination lawsuits."

Two separate issues. As to the first, I can absolutely see the day when Mayor Quinn issues an executive order to her appointed city clerk, to withhold officiant licenses from anyone who won't agree to perform "gay" marriages. How is that any different from the feds withholding Medicaid provider status from a pharmacist who refuses to fill prescriptions for abortion-causing medicine?

As to the second - religious institutions are exempt from certain labor laws and other types of employment related restrictions. You’re comparing apples to oranges. It’s a licensure issue, not an employment issue.

Queens Crapper said...

Mayor Quinn?

You've got to be fucking kidding.

Anonymous said...

You need to go to City Hall to obtain a marriage license.

Any ordained religious official can sign off on it, or a judge, justice of the peace, etc.

You're a fool if you believe otherwise. And Quinn, if she ever became mayor (and God knows most people - even a large segment of the gay community - hate her so I don't see that happening) would not attempt a stunt so stupid. It would get turned over in court in a heartbeat and she would commit political suicide.

Anonymous said...

"Mayor Quinn? You've got to be fucking kidding."

Three terms for Mayor Mike? You've got to be fucking kidding?
Elliot Spitzer sleeps with prostitutes? You've got to be fucking kidding? Senator Hillary not-from-NY Clinton? You've got to be fucking kidding!

Anonymous said...

"Any ordained religious official can sign off on it, or a judge, justice of the peace, etc."

And any idiot can become an ordained offical and but has to ask for permission from the municipality to "solemize marriages", and the municipality can deny it. And then it would go to court - and depending what district you're in , it might even wind up in the US Supreme Court, where the latest soon to be member is - you guess it folks - gay. slippery slopes slippery slopes!!!

Queens Crapper said...

Better read the rules:

Marriage Bureau

It's a state law, not a city law. A mayor would therefore have no jurisdiction over who can get a license. If you reside in NYC, you have to apply to the city clerk for a license, but they can't deny you a license if you meet the criteria.

Now knock it off.

Anonymous said...

Some serious homophobia going around on this board, kiddies.

Klink Cannoli said...

Nah. You just like to demonize a stance you don't particularly agree with. No comments so far has shown inklings of a bona-fide phobia. Don't be so silly and predictable.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. You are the same damn way Klinker:

You just like to demonize a stance you don't particularly agree with. Don't be so silly and predictable.

Anonymous said...

I fail to see the homophobia as well. In fact, who the hell would be afraid of a gay person? I mean Quinn is pretty scary, but I have never heard of anyone seeing a gay person and running away.

Now seriously, there are people expressing their disgust at Jon Winklemen who I never heard of before this video, so they probably are gay themselves. There is talk about a possible Mayor Quinn and whether or not she would have the authority to prohibit licensure of clergy members who perform marriage ceremonies. Others criticizing the behavior of gay activists, which would be scorned if it was performed by non-gays as well. And then there is someone talking about a pee pee which is obvious troll behavior.

Anonymous said...

This who thread is full of homophobes. Are you all crazy? Are you so blind that you don't even recognize it? Try posts 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 26, 27, 30...yeah, I counted. The list goes on....

Klink Cannoli said...

Anon wrote:
"Oh please. You are the same damn way Klinker:"

You just like to demonize a stance you don't particularly agree with. Don't be so silly and predictable.

Please what? Correct you again for your ignorant comments? Or point out more of your incorrect understanding of certain words like demonize.

If you want to hate and spew venom, go ahead. Be honest and upfront about it at least. But this ulterior crap with PC lingo has got to go. The lot of us are too damn tired of it.

Queens Crapper said...

It's gotten to the point where any criticism of gays = homophobia. Just like any criticism of minorities = racism.

Well, that shit don't work here. Try it somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Queen're an asshole. It's the type of criticism I'm talking about. It's full of double entendres and base baiting. It is so CLEAR that your blog is full of tasteless, tactless bigots yet you seem to support that. Not just this thread but others as well. That's what ultimately makes you and this blog a joke.

Queens Crapper said...

If you feel that way, then why do you keep coming back?

Anonymous said...

Same reason I read the NY Post. To see how far the free "press" has degenerated. Unfortunately, I'm never disappointed.

Queens Crapper said...

Well then you may be surprised to learn that I recently helped a young man who was targeted by the police for being gay.

But then that would shatter your negative perception of me.

Anonymous said...

Awww, your good deed for the day. [Pat on the back]. But, sadly, that's all obliterated by your tolerance for this tripe and its perpetuation. That's a notch above what people used to say when they got called out on bigotry saying "But, but, but...some of my best friends are black."

Queens Crapper said...

Ok so you would prefer I hide the comments you find offensive? How about starting your own blog and censoring it as you see fit?

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you do with the other comments. But you tipped your own hand in your fourth to last post. It's obvious where YOU stand.

Anonymous said...

The Queens Crapper helps everyone. Mr. Homophobia needs to get a life. He probably thinks other gay people are homophobic. He doesn't seem to understand that screaming in people's faces about your sexuality isn't going to win any converts. That's basically what these nimrods did. I agree, he should found his own blog and get a life already.

Queens Crapper said...

Um, ok. I don't know how anyone can read that and take it that I hate gays (or are afraid of them, which is what "phobia" means) but I understand there is a lot of paranoia surrounding this issue.

Anonymous said...

Look his B.S. about the marriage bureau didn't fly, so he has to resort to calling names.

It's like when you try to have a serious debate with someone, have better points than they do, and their only response is, "Oh yeah? Well you're an asshole!"

Anonymous said...

Attention! Gay jokes now equal homophobia! Yes, that's right, only Ellen DeGeneres, Wanda Sykes, Rosie O'Donnell and other gays can make fun of other gays!

The rest of you must be bigots, or worse - homophobes!

Anonymous said...

This whole gay thing is a fad from Hollywood that stepped into a vacuum when religion went into decline this generation - and given legit by the party hacks who shit their pants everytime they see a powerful group they cant control - it will fade away when religion comes back as it always does - one of those things in life that ebbs and flows.

Klink Cannoli said...

Why does this Anonymous sound so much like looney Lino?

What's so tactless and tasteless about double entendres? And what the hell is base baiting? Bigots? Man, you're really reaching out to the stratosphere. Actually, you sound a bit off kilter. Step away from the keyboard and back to your medicine chest. It's the shiny blue pills that you want.

Anonymous said...

looney Lino, sound also like Jon winkleman. He is a nut and should remove himself from the movement. He really has issues. He is fill with anger . Maybe he had a hard time as a kid. None the less, he lost all credibility when he supported Slush fund Christine Quinn. he is a hypocrite and should STFU now. This man has no boundaries. You should have seen the way he behaved at the debate last year between Yetta Kurland and Christine Quinn. He is an asshole

Anonymous said...

Gays fine, lesbians fine. I draw the line and trannies.

Anonymous said...

And Jon Winklemn, you fool, what was the point of your empty threats? Addabo knows how the LGBT community feel about his vote NO on marriage equality. Do you really think acting like a fool in front of his supporter would gather support? Instead it make him look like a victim. Fucking asshole. Deal with your personal issues and let us fight for marriage equality. You do more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

The person that we need to attack is the Queens MACHINE which includes CHRISTINE QUINN to NOT endorse Addabo. That is the way.

Anonymous said...

To allow same sex marriage is a dangerous social experiment. What people often don't realize is that with legalization of same sex marriage also comes the acknowledgment of same sex intercourse. This is where the problem lies because then such an act then has to be lectured under sex education in some public schools. In Europe where the liberal environment is more extreme this is already happening. But gays/Lesbians are the ones that give these lectures and instead actually TEACH the children at such a young age how to actually be gay or lesbian. This is not sex education, this is sex indoctrination. Then there's the issue of so called "rights". The LGBT community hijacks the humans rights movement to somehow make a point that they have a "right" to marriage. Sorry gays/lesbians, but you all need to read the constitution and especially the Bill of rights. The word "Marriage" is nowhere in these documents and therefor NOT a human right. It is instead a privilege. A privilege which must be met under certain requirements. Such as age and opposite sex partners. For all the heterosexual ppl here please oppose of same sex marriage for the sake of sanity!

Anonymous said...

1) The gay community never gave Joe Addabbo 500K. Thats a complete lie. Addabbo only raised 400K total in the entire campaign.
2) He never told them he would vote for the thing. He led them to believe he wouldnt be the final vote against it. Hey, the guy is a politician.
3) So the gay community says that if they give a politician money he must vote a certain way ? Isnt that bribery ?
4) These guys are going to go to the wrong event on Howard Beach one night. They think they are in the movies. They are not. They are lucky the "nice" Russo brothers were working at the catering hall that night.

Klink Cannoli said...

You might be surprised to learn "normalization" of homosexuality in the schools are not only happening in the EU, but here as well. It's not just constricted to the sexual education curriculum.

Bonus point: Safe Schools czar, Kevin Jennings, has been working his magic for years.

Anonymous said...

For a blog that's ostensibly about "tweeding" and overdevelopment, you jerkoffs surespend a lot of time hating on gays.

Queens Crapper said...

Gays are the latest tweeded group. These "activists" behavior is proof of that. Give money, expect favor in return.

That's the issue here, not where you stick your dick.

Anonymous said...

The gays posting here are lying. Addabbo said well before the vote that there are more important issues than gay marriage. Are we wringing our hands right now because gay marriage didn't pass or because firehouses are closing and teachers being laid off?

I mean come on. Most people don't give a shit about gay marriage, including gays. Living an alternative lifestyle means not doing what everyone else does.

Anonymous said...

"Most people don't give a shit about gay marriage, including gays. Living an alternative lifestyle means not doing what everyone else does."

Hey, Mr. Presumptuous! And you know Thanks for putting your foot in your mouth on behalf of 10% of the population.

Anonymous said...

According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2000, 1.5% of Americans label themselves as gay. The 10% quoted is a myth. Just like Addabbo's promise to vote for gay marriage.

Anonymous said...

That's funny, I don't remember that question on the census. I bet you don't either. Is that a FOX fact?

Anonymous said...

I don't hate gays since I am gay. I hate the Jon Winkleman who are more CRAZY and I hate CHRISTINE QUINN WHO BETRAY THE LGBT COMMUNITY.

Anonymous said...

Jon Winkleman

Anonymous said...

Jon Winkleman Harvey Milk made history when elected in 1977.
Christine Quinn made history when elected Speaker of the NY City Council in 2005.
Continue to make history by supporting Speaker Christine Quinn's reelection.


Anonymous said...

Klink Cannoli said...

The 10% figure was extrapolated from the reports by the zoologist, Alfred Kinsey's, human sexuality studies in 1948 and 1953. The figure is contestable.

Anonymous said...

"The 10% figure was extrapolated from the reports by the zoologist, Alfred Kinsey's, human sexuality studies in 1948 and 1953. The figure is contestable."

Any figure is contestable. You can bend stats any way to serve your purpose. But, again, you slimy haters are getting off topic.

Anonymous said...

1.5 % may label themselves as gay, the other 8.5 % live lies and end up cheating on their wives in public restrooms or becoming priests who molest little boys because society disapproves.

You want to express disapproval of homosexuals? Then you encourage them to enter into those sham marriages and your sister might be the poor woman who got fooled. Think about it.

They never stop having gay sex. Virtually all gays have gay sex their whole lives, always has been that way, always will be.

Anonymous said...

Good point. Canoli and his ilk seem to be good Mr. Savage disciples. Brianwashed.

Klink Cannoli said...

"Any figure is contestable."

Nah. A qualified and legitimate study can yield significant statistics. Charlatans can manipulate what can be meaningfully drawn from a statistical analysis.

I don't hate. I like to clear the air from the bullshit that gets tossed around. How the two of you are attacking me is hate. And it's cowardly. And it shows your insecurity.

Klink Cannoli said...

I'm an atheist and have a penchant for psychology. I would hardly call the Kinsey reports any real study in human sexuality. Didn't you get the back handed zoologist comment silly nilly?

If you are indeed a gay activist, gay or just sympathetic to the cause and don't know about Kinsey, then you really need to get on the stick. Pardon the pun.

By the way, Savage is a "sexual libertarian", in his own words. I just happen to find the guy entertaining when he gets excited.

Anonymous said...

Hey - Joe Addabbo is representing his district in an honest way. If he accepted money from GL groups than I would expect they would be mad but unclear if they were buying his vote?
At least Joe Addabbo is his own person rather than the party line - being independent for the right reasons - is well appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the tactic of this group. If they would only work the behind the scenes lobbying they would be respected instead of the viral tactics they employ and negate any support of those not in their group to have an open mind about their causes. I agree with the Addabbo vote and support it but ultimately I respect all folks which want to further their cause even if I don't agree with their demands.

Anonymous said...

"If he accepted money from GL groups than I would expect they would be mad but unclear if they were buying his vote?"

I think it's obvious the cause of their anger is that he led them to believe he was a supporter and so they raised money for him and he then turned out to be an opponent.

I don't see any gay activists disrupting George Onarato fundraisers, he has always been upfront about his disapproval of gay rights and there are a lot more gays in his Astoria district than there are in Middle Village.

It's the perceived deceit on Addabbo's part that is enraging them, not so much the vote itself.

gov. arnold schwarzenegger said...

"Zat's der issue here, not ver you schtick der dick." Hahr, hahr. Wunderbar. I'm luffing it. Mit der dick. Hahr, hahr.

Queens Crapper said...

"I don't see any gay activists disrupting George Onarato fundraisers, he has always been upfront about his disapproval of gay rights and there are a lot more gays in his Astoria district than there are in Middle Village."

George Onorato is not running for his seat again.

What a moron you are.

Anonymous said...

"George Onorato is not running for his seat again.

What a moron you are."

So what, the point is he ran 14 times in a row and has always been honest about his opposition to gay rights bills and he's never had his events disrupted like this.

Queens Crapper said...

They didn't start disrupting fundraisers until after there was a vote and NYC Dems voted against it.

No point in protesting at events when the target is not running again.

Queens Crapper said...

And here we have the final word:

"No gay groups or political action committees donated to Addabbo, but Tim Gill, a software billionaire from Denver, Colo., who donates to pro-gay rights candidates, according to Winkleman, gave the senator $9,5000, campaign finance records showed."

The whole protest was bullshit.

Anonymous said...

"No gay groups or political action committees donated to Addabbo, but Tim Gill, a software billionaire from Denver, Colo., who donates to pro-gay rights candidates, according to Winkleman, gave the senator $9,5000, campaign finance records showed."

What's the limit on individual donations?

Queens Crapper said...


Anonymous said...

Who is queer rising anyway? I've never heard of them. They presume to speak for the entire gay community? Says who? Winkelman sounds like a liar and an idiot.

Anonymous said...

The whole protest was bullshit

Hello, what do you expect. Jon Winkleman is bullshit and try to make himself a hero and a spokesperson for the LGBT movement. what do you expect from a hard core support of slush fund Queen Christine Quinn. Jon Winklman is an asshole and hurts the movement. IF the LGBT movement continues to stand behind
Christine Quinn then say goodbye to marriage equality. We don't need Quinn and all her baggage (slush funds, term limits, real estate developers, paid endorsement, animal hater etc.... )

Anonymous said...

These are the same activists who were to demonstrate in front Senator Carl Kruger's House in Mill Basin. Kruger also voted against the gay marriage bill. They didn't do the demomstration. They called off their demonstration. Why ?
Carl Kruger bought them off.
How did he do it?
He promised the gay community that when redistricting comes forth & 2 Rabbis are carved out of his district , he will vote FOR the gay marriage bill.
Kruger can't be trusted. Kruger is playing the gay community like a violin. Kruger has no ethics he'll promise you anything just to survive.
There is a candidate running against Kruger but the gay community has abandoned him for Kruger's money & promises. What a sad commentary on the leaders of the gay community.
What fools they are. Kruger will never vote for a Gay Marriage bill. He's a LIAR !

Anonymous said...

That's a QC record for recent times.

A lot of unhappy homos are surely busy burning up their keyboards!

Well, you know what they say,
"Show me a happy homosexual and I'll show you a gay corpse".

("Boys In The Band").

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