Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bomb found in Times Square

From Fox 5:

Police found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb in a smoking sport utility vehicle in Times Square, then cleared the streets of thousands of tourists milling through the landmark district so they could dismantle it, authorities said Sunday.

"We avoided what we could have been a very deadly event," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. "It certainly could have exploded and had a pretty big fire and a decent amount of explosive impact."

Investigators removed three propane tanks, fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers, and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components from the back of the Nissan Pathfinder, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. A black metal box resembling a gun locker was also recovered and will be detonated off site, he said.

Bloomberg called the explosive device "amateurish" and Kelly said the explosives were consumer-grade fireworks but could have caused huge damage on a block of Broadway theaters and restaurants teeming with tourists.

"I think the intent was to cause a significant ball of fire," Kelly said.

No suspects were in custody, although Kelly said a surveillance video showed the car driving west on 45th Street before it parked between Seventh and Eighth Avenues. Police were looking for more video from office buildings that weren't open at the time.

A white robotic police arm broke windows of the black Nissan Pathfinder to remove any explosive materials after a T-shirt vendor alerted police to billowing smoke coming from the back of the vehicle at about 6:30 p.m. Heavily armed police and emergency vehicles shut down the city's busiest streets, teeming with taxis and theatergoers on one of the first summer-like days of the year.

A Connecticut license plate on the vehicle did not match up, Bloomberg said. Police interviewed the Connecticut car owner, who told police he had sent the plates to a nearby junkyard, Bloomberg said.

After the vendor noticed smoke coming from the SUV, police cleared buildings and streets at the so-called "Crossroads of the World"; the south tower of a Marriott hotel was evacuated and several blocks surrounding Times Square remained closed hours later. Officers were deployed around the area with heavy weapons on empty streets in the heart of busy midtown Manhattan.


Anonymous said...

God Bless our valiant officers and thank goodness the T-shirt vendor actually picked up the phone.

Imagine if he had been like the Jamaica residents who continued their stroll while a homeless hero died?

When they find the culprit, please hang him from the swing sets in Astoria Park so that I and all my neighbors can hit him with bats until he dies.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

Its just like the sign says "If you see something, say something".

This time it worked.

The problem with incident in Jamaica is that the residents there are immune to this kind of stuff - everyday they see drunk, druggies, and homeless laying out in the curb. There was no large puddle of blood streaming from the man nor were there any detecable wounds. It's a sad thing but all too common in that area.

Klink Cannoli said...

We really need to be thankful that the perpetrator(s) who made the bomb were idiots. It actually went off. The count down clocks were at the zero mark and triggered the primary causing the smoke.

Now this could be one of those Che May Day nuts going off half-cocked, but my money is on the Islamists.

Just last Friday another 2 goons were arrested for an al-Qaeda (Yemen flavor) collusion. Tareq" Hasanoff, a dual citizen (US/Aussie) Brooklynite and Wesam El-Hanafi, a Flushing home owner.

Be vigilant out there my Flushing neighbors.

Anonymous said...

I just heard hizzoner on the radio this morning praising "....An alert T-shirt vendor..." who acted quickly in informing the police of this.

This is the same imperial mayor who wants to bar book & art street vendors from NYC and also go along with removing token booth clerks from some of our subway stations.

Hey dopey...they are also the eyes and ears of our city!

Uh...hello Ms. Parvisi 9CAU Commish) and how are you doing catering to Gloomberg's wishes these days?

Anonymous said...

"they hate our freedoms"
(whatever that means)

Anonymous said...

Islamic terrorists and their global supporters hate the freedom not be Muslim and not to have to bow to King Abdullah or whoever you think the Caliph is. You don't have to believe me, read every statement Islamic terrorists makes when they are sentenced.

Anonymous said...

it could have been a teabaggers so stop with your freedom shit crap.

Queens Crapper said...

Just got word that they also found a bomb in Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

Do you want to know what "They hate our freedoms means? Than read, "Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. There you will hear the story of a former devout Muslim who turned against her faith after being exposed to Fundamentalism of the worst kind.

Read about a world where women are tormented because the possess a vagina instead of a penis. Where they cannot walk freely, talk freely, hold a job, vote, work or any of the things we take for granted.

If you do not believe that they hate our freedoms, may I remind you that planes fly out of JFK every day bound for these lands and you may be one whichever one you prefer. No one will stop you.

Anonymous said...

Why don't these people just blow themselves up so that they can meet their whatever number of virgins???

Anonymous said...

"it could have been a teabaggers so stop with your freedom shit crap."

Liberal spotted.

Anonymous said...

I'm basically just sitting here going "please don't be a muslim please don't be a muslim please don't be a muslim ". Last thing this loving country needs is more fuel on the hate-fire.

Anonymous said...

It was a white male in his 40's according to NYPD. So all you crackers wait till we start pulling over and searching your SUV. See how it feels.. CAVITY SEARCH!!!!! Probably some tea bagger/militia putz...

Anonymous said...

Actually, no.

"New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said a white male in his 40s was seen near the SUV (not exiting it or driving it) that was parked on a Times Square street and packed with explosives.
Authorities found potentially deadly explosives in SUV left in Times Square.

The man was seen leaving the area and shedding a dark shirt, revealing a red shirt underneath, about a half block from where survellance cameras saw the vehicle entering Times Square in New York City at about 6:28 pm Saturday. The video of the possible suspect is expected to be released later today. Kelly said the individual was looking around in a furtive manner, but also stressed that the behavior could be totally innocent."

ew-3 said...

"I'm basically just sitting here going "please don't be a muslim please don't be a muslim please don't be a muslim ". Last thing this loving country needs is more fuel on the hate-fire."

You're pretty much choosing to put your head in the sand for your personal comfort.

The frightening thing is that there are many people like you, and a high percentage of the media share your view.

Joe said...

These goons were more then stupid, that corner and adjoining streets have more hidden high resolution cameras then all of London.

Anonymous said...

it has nothing to do with liberalism. Just tired of you ignoramus so focus on one attack by a few muslims while Mayor Bloomberg and Slush fund Christine Quinn are the real terrorist. They have done more damage to this city than any one terrorist can do. But you idiots can only talk about freedom? What freedom?
we have no say in our local govt ever since Christine Quinn took over so STFU

ew-3 said...

"Just tired of you ignoramus so focus on one attack by a few muslims while Mayor Bloomberg and Slush fund Christine Quinn are the real terrorist."

There are laws for both murdering muslims and bloomie.

Problem is muslims are killing people. And are continuing to try to kill people.

Anonymous said...

McVeigh wasn't a Muslim. Did I just blow your mind? Stop being such racist pricks.

Anonymous said...

I love how they always bring up McVeigh. Like that evens out the score with the 99.9% of other terrorists who are Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Can't be racist because Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion. Did I just blow your mind?

Anonymous said...

Just a thought: With all of the tourists in the area at the time shooting videos and taking pictures, it seems it'd be highly probable at least one of them have footage or pictures which show the driver exiting the vehicle. It might prove worthwhile for the police to post notices in hotels asking any tourists who'd been in the vicinity to have a look at what they shot, and contact the NYPD if they think they have something useful to the investigation.

Anonymous said...

Sure lets ignore McVeigh. I mean he only committed the second deadliest act of terrorism.

For living in such a diverse area such as Queens you people sure are racist. I bet you are angered by the fact that blacks make the same amount as whites do.

Anonymous said...

Once again, what does this have to do with racism? Islam is a religion. Why would you bring up blacks vs. whites?

Anonymous said...

Notice how all the recent terrorism suspects are Muslim AND from Queens?

Vibrant! Diverse!

Queens Crapper said...

Who ignored McVeigh? He was put to death!

Anonymous said...

Oh please, let it be another Timothy McVeigh, or please let it be another Eric Rudolph, or please let it be another Andrew Stack, please let it be another Bill Sparkman...

Anonymous said...

This is why Slush fund Christine Quinn gets away it destroying the lives of New Yorkers because of idiots like you who don't focus on the big picture. i

georgetheatheist said...

"I bet you are angered that blacks make the same amount as whites do."

Erratum: Queens blacks make MORE than Queens whites,Gender,%20Class/Queens_black_white.pdf


[x] Male
[x] No, not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin.
[x] White

Anonymous said...

Kelly needs to retire if he thinks the bomber wanted to create a large fireball. If Those propane tanks exploded they would have turned the rear of the suv ito a giant fragmentation ied.Add the glass and possibly ignited gasoline and you are looking at a good number of people killed and many serious injuries.This would have shown the public how much the closing of St.Vincents and Cabrini hospitals really would impact NYC.I wouldn't be surprised if this was the reason he did this.....

Anonymous said...

With divisive bickering like this we will be easy pickin's for our foes. Where will all your political and racial agendas be when the balloon goes up and you or your child are incinerated?

Time to stop screwing around. When he is found, start cutting off body parts until all co-conspirators are found. Use truth serum, the tucker telegraph, render him a crippled, mindless idiot but roll this up, once and for all.

Anonymous said...

did anyone think maybe the white dude is fed up with all the illegals protesting on our streets demanding rights? everyone is quick to believe it's from the middle east.. they should be looking at everything and the truth will come out. this is just the start of all americans getting fed up with all the crap we have to see on the news and read in the papers. maybe the guy can't find work?? and crapper posted another bomb found in PA.. this is just the start.. sadly to say.

Deke DaSilva said...

I'm basically just sitting here going "please don't be a muslim please don't be a muslim please don't be a muslim ". Last thing this loving country needs is more fuel on the hate-fire.

The same kind of stupidity that you're showing us on this blog is the same kind of stupidity that D.C. "Police Chief" Charles Moose exhibited during the "D.C. Snipers" incident.

Remember him? He's the idiot police chief that was convinced that the D.C. snipers were a bunch of white guys in a white van.

How's that for excellent police work?

I bet you are angered by the fact that blacks make the same amount as whites do.

I'll bet you're angered that there are people on this blog that can respond to your stupidity with facts.

From an old NY Times Article:

"Queens's growing population of Hispanic people, who can be of either race, tended statistically to hold down income gains of whites. About half of all the Hispanic people in Queens described themselves as white to the Census Bureau. And some affluent whites left the borough."

Lino said...

"Officers were deployed around the area with heavy weapons on empty streets in the heart of busy midtown Manhattan."

What, exactly are they going to do with those weapons against car bombs and the like?

I saw this on TV and our location was one of those locked down for almost two hours. Customers couldn't leave so we fed them to keep the peace.

What I find so offensive and pointless are these heavily armed cops in subway station platforms.

Even if these people actually spot a terrorist it's likely they'll blow themselves and all around them up before Rambo gets the first round off.


Anonymous said...

Yep..."heavy weapons" like spraying an M16 into a crowd to stop a criminal/bomber is going to really help.

Just part of the desperate power show folks that Commish Kelly has put on stage to pacify us so we won't panic.

Whoever the bomber didn't kill (if he or she were successful) the SWAT team can hit!

Uh...all the surveillance cameras that are being installed throughout NYC are not a deterrent!

They are only to catch the perp after the fact.

If I'm stabbed on a slab
what did Big Mayor's eyes in the sky do for me?


Anonymous said...

What if the IRA pulled this off, those are terrorists and we aren't killing them.

It could have been Basques too, what do you know?

The fact that some of you immediately assume it is a Muslim just shows how bigoted you are.

Deke DaSilva said...

What if the IRA pulled this off, those are terrorists and we aren't killing them.

Makes a LOT of sense, douche bag! Why would the IRA set off a bomb in Times Square? Wouldn't Buckingham Palace or King's Cross make more sense?

Stupid ass!

It could have been Basques too, what do you know?

It also could have been the Japanese Red Army, or Italian Red Brigades, or the Baader Meinhof Gang, or maybe even the Tooth Fairy.

Use your brain ass munch!

Do you know the difference between the following:

1.) Possible
2.) Probable
3.) Likely

The fact that some of you immediately assume it is a Muslim just shows how bigoted you are.

The fact that YOU don't even consider that it might possibly be a Moslem shows us how stupid you really are, and how far you have your silly white liberal head up you flaming ass hole!

Anonymous said...

"The fact that some of you immediately assume it is a Muslim just shows how bigoted you are."

Maybe it was the fact that Al Queda took credit?

Anonymous said...

The cops with body armor and automatic weapons are there to answer a threat the could come from bad guys with body armor and automatic weapons. This is to deter a Mumbai-style terroist assault where it took over an hour for police to arrive with firepower capable of dealing with it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it does not matter what the motivation is or who did it? Finding the correct parties followed by a judicious public execution might come down a lot of nuts--after he is interrogated painfully and at length to identify all his friends, of course.

Anonymous said...

how is the fact that most terrorists are muslims make people here bigots? - makes them smart.

and muslim is a political, legal and religious mishmash - you think you fool everyone - you don't - it is not just a religion

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