Sunday, February 28, 2010

Veteran corrections officer finally gets promoted

From the Daily News:

A city Correction officer passed over for a promotion while serving in the Army Reserves will get the position and back pay, according to a settlement announced Thursday.

Emilio Pennes will be appointed to the position of deputy warden and receive three years' back pay under the settlement reached with the city Department of Correction in Manhattan Federal Court.

Pennes, an assistant deputy warden, was called to active duty in February 2007 where he oversaw a unit in Florida that provided medical and psychological support to soldiers returning from Iraq.

Though he ranked at the top of the 13 candidates for deputy warden, he was passed over because he was unable to appear in person for a March 2007 job interview with correction officials, authorities said.

Pennes, 46, had offered to do the interview on different days, by teleconference or phone, but was denied.

A lawsuit filed by the United States on Pennes' behalf says he was denied his rights under a federal act designed to protect service members from having their civilian careers derailed while doing their military service.


Anonymous said...

You kidding me?

He wasn't "derailed" in his career. His job was waiting for him upon his return. Nobody was denying that.

How can you interview for a job that you cant show up to??? How does it make the other candidates feel,THE WHO SHOWED UP FOR THEIR INTERVIEWS?

How can you expect to be put into a position of authority when you may be taken away from that job at any time???

Queens Crapper said...

How can we have a reserve if the people who sign up for it have to worry about not having jobs when they return or being passed up for a promotion because they were too busy serving their country? It's not like he blew off the interview.

Babs said...

Anonymous - PROMOTIONS do not necessarily mean that your responsibilities have changed. You can be awarded a promotion because you passed an exam, or you have accured a certain amount of years at the job, or you are being credit for the job you have been doing. Many times promotions are monetary ONLY.

I agree with Crappy.

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