Monday, February 1, 2010

Rush to build crap after rezone

Pictured is 65-19 & 65-21 Perry Avenue in Maspeth early last year. They were perhaps some of the oldest attached homes in the area.
Of course, they were torn down and replaced with lopsided Queens Crap.
Yeah, apparently one is a two-family house and the other is a 3-family house (with a "sitting" room!). Why? Who the hell knows?
Anyway, they of course were slapped with stop work orders as well as complaints about non-conforming with the rezoning, but the project was found to be vested under the old zoning.
You'll note that the original permit was issued during the ULURP process.
There really should be a moratorium on new building permits while an area is undergoing rezoning.


Joe said...


Whats with all the white PVC banister posts on all this new crap going up ?

Is that the new Fedders ?

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Sitting room? You mean CRAPPING room.

Anonymous said...

The PVC is for kids to run into and it breaks and the kid falls 30 feet to the ground.

Hopefully those are CONdozes so the parent swill have to pay for their kids injuries.

-Joe said...

Oh so thats why the banisters are shaped like bowling pins.

---Makes total sense.

Anonymous said...

I grew up on this block...

While I despise the houses that are going up all over Queens, I think it should be pointed out that the attached homes that were at that location were in such a state of disrepair due to the neglect of the previous owner (that is a whole other story) that I doubt it could be saved. Still no excuse for this piece of crap that has been thrown up.

Anonymous said...

They think those balustrades look "classy"

They saw it on a postcard from France once.

But, they cant afford real stone, and they dont know that they proportions dictate a spacing of about 12 to 16" apart but install them at less than half that because, hey, more is better, right???

Anonymous said...

When Vallone was asked in ASStoria about this, he said the City Council would never go for it.

'Ok', say the locals. 'Well, we tried and we understand you difficult it is for you, sir. We are for your rezoning Mr Vallone and appreciate you fighting the developers and getting a good deal for your community to preserve its character.'

Any guess why Astoria is getting another 100,000 people?

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