Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Po-Ling publicly polls horse's ass

From the NY Times:

Getting the Upper Hand on a Horse Named Bloomberg

Po-Ling Ng, the irrepressible director of the Open Door Senior Citizens Center in Chinatown, has figured out a formula for putting Mr. Bloomberg on the spot.

First, call him names.

Acting as the M.C. of her center’s annual Lunar New Year celebration on Tuesday, the energetic Ms. Ng first called Mr. Bloomberg a “horse,” but she meant no disrespect. She was simply pointing out that the mayor was born in the year of the horse. She also did something that few people would dare: call him by his last name, referring to him simply as “Bloomberg,” and thanking “our lovely Bloomberg.”

Second, demonstrate an astonishing familiarity with Mr. Bloomberg’s family.

Ms. Ng — who is also a horse, as she proudly boasted — noted that Mr. Bloomberg’s grandmother was born on Mott Street. She also presented him with a souvenir of two gold-plated horse wall hangings, signifying the bond between Mr. Bloomberg and his daughter Georgina, a competitive equestrian.

Third, demand money in front of hundreds of elderly citizens.

Ms. Ng praised Mr. Bloomberg for being smart and charitable. And she reminded him of a promise he once made.

“He knows how to make the money,” she said, eliciting big laughs from the crowd. “I said: ‘Bloomberg, you are so rich. You are so rich. Could you donate us some money from your personal package?’ So he said yes. He’s so sweet.”

Then, she put Mr. Bloomberg — a billionaire who is the richest person in the city but sometimes bristles when asked about his money — on the spot. “Will you keep your promise?

“Yes,” he said, a bit sheepishly.

Fourth, make sure he does not forget.

As yet another parting gift, Ms. Ng presented Mr. Bloomberg with a red envelope: a Chinese New Year tradition in which parents give money to children. Mr. Bloomberg’s envelope contained a $20 bill.

“When you see this lucky money,” she said, “you should give us the big check.”


Anonymous said...
how about a citizen's arrest?
I was born year of the Tiger!
Thanks Queens Crap for post.
Suzanah Troy

Anonymous said...

if Bloomberg is a horse then why do he hates horses so much? he support the cruel horse drawn carriage industry.

Anonymous said...

if Bloomberg is a horse then why do he hates horses so much? he support the cruel horse drawn carriage industry.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Ng is great. More senior center directors and members should take lessons in shaming elected officials to donate their personal fortunes to their communities instead of them bleeding the community dry.

Anonymous said...

This is just the tip of the iceberg and one of the reasons we always see that stupidly grinning 13th apostle Liu smiling at us everywhere.

Thats what happens when you need their money. You eat shit.

Georges said...

We need Mrs. Ng here in Elmhurst to obtain service for us - Marge Markey are you listening?

Although we have many like Mrs Ng the rest of the Chinese community here don't give a rat's a** about community only about running around enslaving others in their community or abusing their countrymen by housing them in partitioned dwellings.

Mrs Ng come to Elmhurst and spank some sense into these folks here. There are only a few like you and they already have their hand full - so help!

Anonymous said...

sneaky chinese, they play joke!

Anonymous said...

Marge who? Oh, Marge Markey. I remember her. I think she is supposed to be representing us here in Woodside, Maspeth and Middle Village. Funny, I haven't seen her since she ran for office. Wait, isn't this an election year? I guess she'll magically appear this summer. Got to get the voters to elect her again. How long has she been in office? I feel a flusher coming on.

Anonymous said...

What did she do wrong? I have been to many funds raisers by different organizations that do their best to raise money for their various causes, including pointing out those in the audience that can afford to give a little bit more. Just because she is Chinese-American, she is sneaky?

Queens Crapper said...

She is sneaky because she didn't read from the script she was handed. All Bloomberg's events are planned down to the finest detail. Don't want any embarrassing questions to be asked, no do we? I guess the tweeding opportunity was just too tempting.

Anonymous said...

I think Ms. Ng is a smart lady. She put this little turd on the spot. He usually has everything scripted and planned and when she asked for money for the seniors in an impromptu way, he must have shit his pants. Not to look bad, he nodded in agreement, but I'm sure he was pissed off. Good for her. More people need to put this little creep on the spot. Make sure there is press coverage when you do it.

PizzaBagel said...

Bloomberg sheepishly said “yes”
to Ng's reminder of his promise to donate money to her organization? Being a horse, I'm surprised he didn't say "neigh!"

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