Saturday, February 27, 2010

Parking sucks in Sunnyside

From the Daily News:

With a municipal parking lot smack in the middle of Sunnyside's main shopping district, finding a spot to run a quick errand or grab a bite to eat would seem to be simple enough.

Think again.

Like other areas Queens News is highlighting for its "Queens Parking Crunch" series, Sunnyside's shopping district is yet another area plagued with parking rules that locals say hurt the community.

The municipal lot, located beneath the elevated No. 7 train tracks, is inundated with commuters, leaving no room for shoppers and restaurant patrons, locals said. And finding a metered spot along Queens Blvd. is also a headache, especially because the thoroughfare becomes a no-standing zone during rush hour.


Unknown said...

Its happening all over queens, and getting worse. Almost every block is losing 2 or more parking spots as the city tries to make driving safer. They are removing spots from the corners so cars can see into the intersections better. What a joke, if you don't know how to drive and inch out until safe, you shouldn't be on the road.

Anonymous said...

How about limiting access corner spots in "Daylighted intersections" to compact cars, instead of SUV's and vans etc?

Anonymous said...

How about getting Lard azzes to walk a few extra blocks and eliminate bus stops closer then 5 blocks away

each bus stop can hold 4-6 cars...instant parking spots for new meters.

Anonymous said...

How about DOT giving up its 100 spots they took for their trucks near 33 St under the 7-line????

Anonymous said...

ow about getting Lard azzes to walk a few extra blocks and eliminate bus stops closer then 5 blocks away

each bus stop can hold 4-6 cars...instant parking spots for new meters.

because Seniors Vote!!!

Anonymous said...

Raise the price of parking until some spots are available.

And CntrySigns? Please, spare us the whining. Daylighting is a proven safety measure. Get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Well, Country, with the big SUVs with tinted windows that is so favoried by the 3rd world macho types, you need every help you can get when you pull out, especially since they give you all of 6 inches in clearance.

Since they are living in your community (on average) two years until they can buy the building, 'tastefully' remodel it and fill it up and pour concrete over the front yard and then lease it out, and finally, in good slash and burn techique, move out the the island, who cares?

This is a problem with overdevelopment and illegal conversions, and the public that roles over and plays dead when these problems are mentioned.

So... suffer.

Anonymous said...

Just limit the time to park at less than 6 hours to half the parking spots.

Anonymous said...

1. stop. driving. take. subway. (when it works)

2. if you are from long island or outer queens, take LIRR


solution: me and the boys from gaslight (pub on qns blvd) will card you when you try to park.

PizzaBagel said...

How about DOT giving up its 100 spots they took for their trucks near 33 St under the 7-line????

Agreed! (FYI, they're between 34th and 35th Streets.) But try putting that genie back into its bottle. If anything, count on them to expand their operations. Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile.

Anonymous said...

These cars parking on the corner intersection all the way out to edge make it hard to walk across the street on a green light because you cant see what large SUV or Toyota is about to run a red light.

Yes people from LI shouldnt be taking those parking spots in Sunnyside. Park next to the train station in Long Island.

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