Monday, February 22, 2010

10 ways Congress is letting you down


When Sen. Evan Bayh stunned the political world Monday by announcing he would not seek re-election, the popular Indiana Democrat said: “I’ve had a growing conviction that Congress is not operating as it should.”

He’s right. Congress is failing miserably — and here are The Post’s 10 reasons why YOUR representatives are letting you down:

1.) The country and its people are drowning in debt — and they just spend, spend, spend.

2.) And how do they pay for it? TAX, TAX, TAX.

3.) People still lucky enough to have a job face wage freezes and cuts — but Congress gets its raise every damn year, no matter what.

4.) There’s only one job for every six unemployed people who want it — and they still want us to thank them for passing the stimulus bill!

5.) They love pork like a fat kid loves cake.

6.) The people work more hours for less pay. The Congress works Tuesday to Thursday, with three months of paid vacation.

7.) If we ran our businesses using their accounting rules, we’d go to jail.

8.) They care more about buttering their bread with special interest earmarks than they do about ordinary Americans putting food on the table.

9.) Our 401(k)s took a bath, but financial reform for them means salmon, not steak.

10.) We’re worried about our medical coverage and they spend six months to come up with a disaster.


Anonymous said...

Vote every single incumbent except Ron Paul out of office on the next elections!

Anonymous said...

Agreed! Joe Crowley never once came to Queens to take our position on Health care. I guess he feared correctly we would have been part of the highly angry constituents who are sick of Congressman like Rep. Joe Crowley who do nothing or care nothing about us. Be angry - insure there is a candidate to run against him this year - make him soil his pants!

Anonymous said...

So how do you propse to pay for everything?
Lets get rid of Medicare and Social Security.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "vote every single incumbent except Ron Paul out of office on the next elections!"

No way Jose - Paul's a nutcase!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "No way Jose - Paul's a nutcase!"

you've got that right - Paul's not playing with a full deck - like too many of his followers unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: " So how do you propse to pay for everything?
Lets get rid of Medicare and Social Security."

I rest my case . . .

Anonymous said...

Time to flush the toilet on ALL OF THEM. They work for us. They are not listening to us and their spending is out of control. Why do they have a special deal for their health care(which will cost them nothing), yet they plan to stick us with a huge bill for a plan nobody wants? Crowley doesn't even live here in Queens, NY anymore. He lives in Virginia. He has no idea what we need here. He should be the first to go.

Joe said...

Flush chain gets pulled in November.

If this government health-care "tax" gets passed big doo doo for anybody with a wallet.

Anonymous said...

Soap box. Ballot box. Ammo box.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of healthcare the system is almost dead: stick a fork in it... There already is universal free healthcare in the USA and the place where it is provided is called an emergency room. The healthcare reform is nothing but a way to bilk out more money out of the already insured in order to finance healthcare for the those parasites who cannot pay the healthcare "tax". Don't forget: when the host dies, the parasite soon follows.

Gary A said...

I ain't going nowhere!

PS Neither are my whores.

Gary A said...

I ain't going nowhere!

PS Neither are my whores.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Truer words would be hard to find!

Seth said...

Not only do they all need to be voted out, we need to vote in a new House and a new Senate free of any career politicians, and also vote in, on a proposition basis, a single term limit with no perks or benefits extending beyond the ends of their terms.

If there's no career path incentive, rather than being concerned with reelection, they can devote all their time and energy to doing what we elected them to do.

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