Thursday, November 5, 2009

Weprin vs. Padavan?

From the Daily News:

The conventional wisdom since Councilman David Weprin lost his bid for comptroller has been that he would, if he desired to remain in politics, run in the special election for the Assembly seat vacated by his brother, Mark, who will replace him in the Council.

But now a new wrinkled has emerged in the Weprin story, and it comes compliments of the councilman-elect.

According to Mark Weprin, Senate Democrats have been "aggressively talking" to his brother about the possibility of taking on Republican Sen. Frank Padavan next year if Councilman Jim Gennaro decides to take a pass on a re-match.


georgetheatheist said...

I've always wondered how Weprin keeps that "thing" on his head so elegantly coiffed? Gorilla glue? How many of you remember the days when this boychik's scraggly pate was showing through the thinning tufts?

Anonymous said...

Do these perennial candidates (the Weprins, Mark Green, and until the scandal Alan Hevesi) really believe in public service, or do they just like living off the public dole? "I'll run for anything"?

Anonymous said...

I don't want these Weprin whelps invading my nabe!

There's something about Jewish Democrats that seem to bring down a good place to live.

Example: Downtown Flushing...
the Staviskys!

Anonymous said...

I am a very big Senator Padavan supporter, the reason is he cares and goes the extra mile to try to help people. Not many do that so I say let them put up anyone they want against Senator Padavan, he will still come up the victor. I hate the Dem GOP titles don't underestimate the independents we are crafty.

Anonymous said...

I saw Senator Padavan a few days ago and mentioned to him that according to NYC election law, the residency requirement for a city council seat is that you have to be living in the district ON THE DAY OF THE ELECTION! Strange but true. He was surprised to hear this, especially in light of the fact that NYC election laws must meet state guidelines. I have a sneaking suspicion that the law will be corrected shortly. I believe that a candidate must meet a one year residency requirement. If not, let the carpetbagging begin!

Anonymous said...

I have to hand it to Weprin, it takes guts to wear a Hitler mustache.

Anonymous said...

NO WAY, Get lost Weprin, We want Padavan.

Anonymous said...

What brings a neighborhood (or entire district in this case) down is a elected official who can no longer garner the funding needed to keep our schools # 1 in the city, senior centers the best, parks green and beautiful and capital projects fully funded. Padavan will be another blow hard, ineffective, leader like Avella.

Padavan was fantastic for a long long time. He has now been rendered useless by the turn in leadership.

Do you like increasing property value, good schools and services? Think with your heads for once and not your "Crappers."

I don't care about party lines - UNLESS THEY MEAN SUFFERING FOR THE DISTRICT. Whether its Weprin or another Dem - Padavan needs to go.

Then again... with Crapper's endorsement record - please keep pushing for old Frank.

Anonymous said...

Not too concerned with the majority hanging by a thread. Vote with your head, not by party.

Queens Crapper said...

Actually, I endorsed Frank last time and he won. Also endorsed Halloran, so to speak, and he won. Was pulling for Crowley, Ulrich, Koo and Reyna. The only winner I didn't choose was Bloomberg.

So what the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Someone here mentioned Independents... let me echo that statement by saying Independents are free-thinking folks, choosing candidates based on their record and their ability to deliver constituent needs.
Independent or non-party voters voted in large numbers for Padavan and will continue to do so.
Face it, you bone-headed Dem trolls, we Independents decide who wins an election.
Dem party is going down slowly in Queens and will continue to wane.
Independents will use Repubs and Dems as our needs fit to get what we want.
It's about the people of this district
and not your tired bullshit politics.
Ackerman, Stavisky, Vallone's etc. you're done for!

Anonymous said...

"Ackerman, Stavisky, Vallone's etc. you're done for!"

But only if there are good, qualified candidates who run against them. Ackerman should be the first target, as he is up for re-election next year. It would be great if Tony Avella challenged him, but if Tony doesn't, who will run? Will the Republicans run Liz Berney again?

Anonymous said...

To the atheist, David Weprin attends weekly synagogue services. Why don't you sit in the pew behind him and check out his pate?

georgetheatheist said...

Why don't you check out his crotch in the photo.

Anonymous said...

the residency requirement for a city council seat is that you have to be living in the district ON THE DAY OF THE ELECTION!


Anonymous said...

Weprin's hair definitely has more texture than in the old comb-over days. Maybe he can get a product endorsement deal: "He's not just a client, he's also your State Senator."

Frank Padavan will never lose his seat, because he (and his staff) consistently deliver for his constituents. They answer letters and follow through. They contact commissioners and follow through. My only worry is when he finally does retire, who has been groomed to succeed him?

Anonymous said...

I think that David is the perfect candidate to replace Padavan. Padavan has done a good job but it is time for him to go. He plays both sides too much; is he a democrat or a republican?? Its hard to tell sometimes. David has the experience and knows the community. I also think it would look horrible if David were to take his brothers seat, after Mark just took his. Looks like were slipping away from democracy here.

Anonymous said...

Padavan's time has come and gone. What's wrong with Gennaro? He lost by less than 600 votes, as I recall. How long do the Weprin brothers ride on their father's coattails?

Anonymous said...

We are fortunate not to have Gennaro, I hope they drop the idea of Weprin for Senate. We can't go from bad to worse

Anonymous said...

Is that a Hitler moustache?

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

Is that a Hitler moustache?

Imitation iz der zincerezt form of flattery!

Anonymous said...

If the Weprin brothers are allowed to swap their elected offices whenever they feel like it, then our democracy is a sham.

Throw out the dynasties!

Anonymous said...

screw the Weprin dynasty.

Avella for state senate, he's still very popular in the district, He could do it.

Anonymous said...

Screw Avella, I want Padavan.

Anonymous said...

We need more Frank Padavans!!!

Anonymous said...

Both Avella and Padavan have their constituents' best interest in mind. I would not like to see them run for the same office. It would be a difficult choice. Take a look around and see how many elected officials actually listen to the people in their communities. Good luck, Dan Halloran. You are the new kid on the block. Let's see what you have.

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