Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Voters being bussed into 19th District from outside?

"Note these photos -- big vans are taking people from their homes to a physical therapy center in Flushing -- Flushing Medical Clinic is its name.
From there they get into smaller cars, white Dodge Caravan ambulettes, which go to polling places in the 19th District -- then they are taken back to the physical therapy center, where they get back into a big van and taken back home. The physical therapy place is the staging center.
From there, the big van is going to places in downtown Flushing and Jackson Heights -- well outside the district. The people on the vans are seniors -- people in their 70s and 80s. They ain't being taken to work. These photos were taken at around 11 a.m." - anonymous


Anonymous said...

B U S T E D ! ! !

chico0100 said...

I also heard of buses from New Jersey coming into Whitestone with Koreans voting for Kevin Kim.

My wife and 2 kids were acosted twice when trying to vote in Bayside by Koreans asking us to vote for Kevin Kim.

Wonder why the Koreans hate us? Read this NY Times article - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/02/world/asia/02race.html

And they think we're racist.....

Anonymous said...

Message from Kevin Kim - VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN.

Anonymous said...

The election will soon be over but the investigations will continue!

Anonymous said...

Hes in the lead as of now.. if he wins hes in for a bumpy ride..

Anonymous said...

Sorry Kim, you have lost. Bayside will not be your K-Town.

Anonymous said...

can't blame the old folks who wanted to see something other than the rec room for the day.

Anonymous said...

That's why poll inspectors are supposed to do their jobs. If they came to my poll site I would direct them to the nicest nearby diner and send them home.

Regardless of how many buses they take they better be registered to that ED. That is what the books with the signatures are all about.

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