Sunday, October 18, 2009

Questions about vacant properties bill

From the Wonkster:

City Councilmember Melissa Mark-Viverito has introduced a bill that would require the city take a census to count vacant property every year. The measure also calls for the city to publish information, online and in print, identifying owners of vacant property as well as when the property became vacant.

However, the legislation, Intro 1089, stops short of provisions that housing and homeless advocates have been agitating for, namely creating affordable housing apartments in so-called warehoused properties that would be guaranteed to homeless and low-income New Yorkers.

“I see the vacant building census legislation as an important first step to address the myriad problems that result from vacant properties,” Mark-Viverito, who represents East Harlem, Manhattan Valley and parts of Mott Haven in the Bronx, said. “The collection and publication of this data by the city will lay the groundwork for further action on this issue.” what's the real reason behind this bill? To help developers? For eminent domain? For a "vacant lot tax"?

How do you define a "vacant" property, anyway? Will a double lot used as a yard be considered vacant? How about lots filled with trees? Shouldn't we encourage open space, especially in areas of flooding, since we have so little of it left? How can people - with a straight face - expect the city to mandate the use of private property for affordable housing?


-Joe said...

You can bet your ass its for for Eminent domain or some new tax.

That unused basement room in your private home is next. It may even be included in this. Does anybody have a full copy or a .pdf ?
It sure sounds like Bloomberg is looking for a way going to force private property and homeowners to "open up" at gunpoint or else.

Its coming, god help the homeowner with a 1 or 2 family house with a vacent or un-finished basement.

Anonymous said...

Can someone "s'plain what an activist-citizen of Puerto Rico is doing in a New York City council seat?

Anonymous said...

So what is the reason for this additional expense? The U.S. Census Bureau is already being paid for the collection of housing and vacancy data by the New York City government. When it comes to collecting this type of data, I would trust the professionals who guarantee confidentiality with the threat of severe punishment to those who breach U.S. Code Title 13. Also, to create such a survey is a huge expense and the task of implementation is mindblogging! Therefore, this appears to be another Bloomturd-backed scheme to fleece the NYC populace.

me said...

Melissa... Oh!!!!! Melissa!!! How people forget history.....

"Melissa Mark Viverito and Others Vote to Gentrify Harlem"

May 02, 2008

"On Wednesday, as predicted, the Council Member who is supposed to represent our district, Melissa Mark Viverito, voted in favor of the 125th Street rezoning plan despite fierce community resistance from across Harlem. Although we are not directly affected by this proposal, as Movement for Justice in El Barrio, community members of East Harlem, we are against the plans that the Council Members and city government
have to displace communities throughout Harlem. Movement for Justice in El Barrio was present to witness Melissa Mark Viverito in action at the
Chambers of the City Council.

Nonetheless, the voices of the people came raining down strong as each of the three Council Members had their names called for role call, Robert Jackson of West Harlem, Inez Dickens of Central Harlem and
Melissa Mark Viverito were all booed with shouts of “sellout” and “liar.” When Inez Dickens started as the first of the three council members to speak, the people’s voices continued strong, united and angry as they listened to the manipulations and lies from the politicians that claim to represent their community"

"We know that Melissa Mark Viverito claims to be anti-displacement, but we have seen time and again that, despite empty words and media stunts, when it comes down to the moments in which she actually
exercises her power in the form of votes in the Council, she votes against the people and for displacement."


Taxpayer said...

I have an empty room (a vacant room) in my house. It's property, and it's vacant; will that be included in the census?

A neighbor own private property with a detached, two-car garage that has been empty for years - more vacant property. A neat bungalow or cottage could be made of this.

Who decides the use of private property?

Will the Commissar return us to the Soviet rules where every vacant closet, room and hallway is controlled by some "Housing Czar"?

Will we be forced to support total strangers using our property?

How does an ordinary homeowner differ from a building owner?

I know many ordinary people who invest in rental property to build retirement income?

How does Donald Trump differ from these people?

Will such a law ever - EVER - apply to the Donald Trumps? Or, is it designed to bring down the most defenseless property owners?

Be very careful of what you wish for.

-Joe said...

Yep, If Obama goes for it (and I beleive he will)EVERY vacant closet, room and hallway will be controlled by a Housing Czar.
Its going to be worse then Russia or China. China for example doesnt allow tweeds to bust into their country and demand services and rights (they simply shoot them)

From what I understand Czars appointed by the president can bypass the Constitution, Senate, House Congress and do anything they want.
Bush and Clinton had around 4 Czar's.
This socialist UN butt licking prick Obama has appointed over 40 since January !!

Alan said...

Any city-created census is tainted from the get go. Let the professionals who have no political agenda do the job. Apparently, the U.S. Census Bureau data is not good enough for Bloomturd & the Tweeding Company? Check the links to the US Census site. They have definitions and data. Why do we need this new bill unless it is a way to line someone's pockets and perhaps provide tainted data to fit someone's personal agenda?

How do I know about the NYC Housing & Vacancy Survey done by the US Census Bureau? I collected some of the data. Therefore, I can assure you of the accurate sampling and confidentiality of information maintained in the process of data collection.

Dump the Commissar now before it is too late. I finally saw the NY1 debate from last week and the lies of Bloomtard and the attacks on Thompson are very telling. Our incumbent is not a shoe-in, especially judging from audience reaction!!!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anonymous said...
Can someone "s'plain what an activist-citizen of Puerto Rico is doing in a New York City council seat?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

1) Puerto Ricans are U.S. Citizens.

2) She was elected.

Anonymous said...

"The measure also calls for the city to publish information, online and in print, identifying owners of vacant property as well as when the property became vacant."

This is very problematic and reeks of "Big Brother" government advocated by the current city administration. I am especially concerned about identifying owners. Also, many NYC residents are nomadic and apartments and other residential properties change frequently and so this annual "census" is absurd. It is also double dipping! I checked out the link and found this. It speaks volumes!

This blogsite provides more information than other media! Way to go, Crapster.

Anonymous said...

"1) Puerto Ricans are U.S. Citizens."

Thanks for the political correctness lesson, but if you are an "activist-citizen of Puerto Rico" one would think you'd live there and not in New York.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anonymous said...
"1) Puerto Ricans are U.S. Citizens."

Thanks for the political correctness lesson, but if you are an "activist-citizen of Puerto Rico" one would think you'd live there and not in New York.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is she describing herself that way, or is that what someone else is saying?

Anonymous said...

I thought this was supposed to be about the city trying to create a non-census census!

Anonymous said...

ooooooooh so THAT explains why the lovely census woikkuh wanted to know how many rooms,how many BRs,kitchens and exit doors,and we,being ignorant of this secondary misuse of the 2010 census simply told her to fuGHoff.

but on the other hand,there is most definitely a surplus of brand new multiple dwellings vacant,so we're taking bets on section 8s--lots of them too.

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