Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hell's Kitchen buildings still a problem

From NY1:

Residents from one area in Hell’s Kitchen first contacted NY1 For You back in June, complaining about the unsanitary and unsafe environment created by several gutted buildings on 51st and 52nd Streets between Ninth and Tenth Avenues.

“Dirty, filthy, and very disgusting,” says resident Enoz Alenkav. “This has been like a place for the homeless, alcoholics, narcotics - you know, the aggressive ones. Sometimes we have to go across the street because we’re afraid.”

“It’s disgusting. I mean, it’s a fire hazard,” says resident Jeanette Velez-Soto. “Some of the [Department of] Sanitation people came around one day last week and tried to sweep it out and stuff but that was as far as it went. And then you have a lot of rodents running around and some of the homeless people, because they try to find a dry spot, they’ll be in the corner. It’s just kind of scary when you leave the place at night.”

In July, a month after NY1’s first story aired, the Department of Buildings added the structures to their “stalled site” list. A DOB spokeswoman said the buildings were inspected three times and determined to be structurally secure. She went on to say as long as there is compliance with building regulations and no risk, DOB can take no action.

As far as the homeless people who have set up camp there, DOB officials said that is a matter for police. The Department of Health has cited the buildings for scattered rubbish, exposed garbage and litter.


Anonymous said...

It's a TREND!!!

PizzaBagel said...

As far as the homeless people who have set up camp there, DOB officials said that is a matter for police.

Why don't these folks just call 311? Then all their problems will be solved. Ha! What a crock!

Anonymous said...

Good For them!!!! These fuckers voted for Quinn's reelection on Sept. I have no sympathy for them since these self-interested people voted for Quinn again. I send all the homelessness to their district.

Anonymous said...

......wonder if it's my former abode--LOL--there is justice !
and how dare you call this up and coming nabe (30 years in the making),Hell'sKitchen . Don't our neighborhood saviours,the yuPPies prefer clinton ?

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