Saturday, October 17, 2009

Parkway could become a jail

"Hi Queens Crapper,

Here’s some more bomb-shell news related to Parkway Hospital. Don’t know how you want to handle this but the attached doc is a declaration from the receiver who is handling Pkwy’s bankruptcy case and it says that if Pkwy loses its case and can’t reopen, then some of the only viable uses for the building include either a low-security federal prison or an immigration detention center!!

How’s that for Seminerio’s legacy to Queens residents! Let me know if you need any further info but this is true and the doc is public record that I procured via Parkway’s attorney, Mark Fogel.



Anonymous said...

What a stupid idea that is. A jail? Are you kidding me?

Anonymous said...

Immigrant detention center?

Will Gary "Silver Slipper" Ackerman put his office next to it?

Or will it be in "Honest Joe" Crowley's district?

Funny, you never see stuff like this in "Callous Carolyn" Maloney's district (unless its Astoria of course)

True pro-immigrant Democrats all.

(Funny how they are for the working man and woman and their polticies destroy jobs and communities for the same)

Anonymous said...

Area would need to be rezoned first. There is an elementary school on one side and single family houses on the other. Koz or Lynn will fight against this for sure. I personally will be on the frontline at the protests.

Anonymous said...

The elementary school pretty much makes it a no go, it's a scare tactic.

There are plenty of other uses for the building. a school or yet another old age home like Deepdale.

Anonymous said...

More Aquino Bullshit

Anonymous said...

An immigration detention center in a Sanctuary City? You must be kidding. The cops aren't allowed to detain illegals or even interrogate them. They would get in trouble. How about a center for day laborers? They could call it Bloomburg's Sanctuary Day Labor Center.

Anonymous said...

Federal Prison or detention center does not care about zoning or community boards. Feds overcome al local objections.

Maybe this is Andrew Coumo's present to his constitutents. If the State is defending against Parkway, this must be done by the Attorney General. So thanks Andrew Cuomo for the jail between JFK and LGA airports. Thanks Mr Attorney General for a prison inside Forest Hills. Thanks Mario for your son forgetting where he comes from. And thanks all you politicians in Queens who are going to let this happen because you are all defending Two Ton Tony's screwing with Queens!

Anonymous said...

Immigration detention center? Forget that! The illegals should be shot out of a giant cannon across the Rio Grande!

Sergey Kadinsky said...

Parkway sits next to a public school, across the street from a yeshiva, and a block away from two churches. Not exactly the ideal spot for a jail.

Oh, one more thing- Karen Koslowitz, where are you? Shouldn't you be protesting this? Or do you expect to be elected on past experience alone? Get to work!

Anonymous said...

Don't jump to conclusions. The receiver is basing it on "I've been told that..." Told by whom? The receivership has an obvious stake in the hospital re-opening, which I'm all for, but you have to learn how to read this before claiming "Parkway could become a jail"

Anonymous said...

enough of this crap in queens. swine flu is coming! let parkway reopen.

Anonymous said...

Get Heidi Chain and the 112 Community Council on this matter, she usually bites at this BS

Unknown said...

i don't buy it. There is no way this would fly in the heart of Forest Hills

Anonymous said...

didn't the feds open a detention center in the heart of chinatown over community objections? They will open a half way house in forest hills. the feds need more halfway houses, and here they will get one at bargain basement prices. All because of our corrupt politicans (Seminerio), our inept local politicians and those who wanted to see parkway go down-the attorney general andrew cuomo, governor patterson, helen marshall. its insane. maybe these people should be with crazy eddie?

Anonymous said...

"Area would need to be rezoned first. There is an elementary school on one side and single family houses on the other."

Nope. This would be a federal facility, and neither the feds nor the state need to abide by local zoning. Not up for review by the city council. If this happens, you're simply S.O.L.

Better pray for a hospital. Just don't go there if you don't like it.

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