Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Have a little crap with your chicken!

From Eyewitness News:

For obvious reasons, there are strict standards for federal inspection of poultry that ends up in food stores. We received a tip that birds being sold out of a busy poultry plant in Corona, Queens may be a food disaster waiting in the wings. So we went undercover.

What we found at local neighborhood grocery stores is enough to make you sick.


Anonymous said...

FLU-shing, Corona, Sunset park and HELLmhurst are the standard of living neighborhoods in NYC. Unhygienic savages.

georgetheatheist said...

Reminds me of the time when my (absentee) Chinese neighboring houseowner rented his basement apartment out to a landsman who hung on the backyard clothesline 20 chickens to dry out. He was running some kind of food business for his co-workers.

I promptly put the kaibosh on that activity. Afterwards, I saw the chicken-drying activity on a neighboring factory roof where the guy worked.

PS The illegal basement apartment was subsequently shut down.

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