Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Being the boss' son has its advantages

From the Daily News:

Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty's son, John Jr., has been cited by his supervisors a dozen times from July 2008 through last June for improperly ducking out of work, records obtained by the Daily News show.

In each case, he cited a personal "emergency," but he was unable to document the circumstances that required him to get out of work.

In a May 23 call, for example, the younger Doherty's "emergency" consisted of him saying he wouldn't be in to work because he'd "lost track of time" and his "car was down," records show.

On four other occasions, the Rudy Giuliani-appointed commissioner's 48-year-old son didn't bother calling in at all, the records show.

On top of that, the son was arrested on Feb. 11, 2007, on charges of criminal possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana.

Cops pulled him over after spotting him throwing beer cans out of a car's passenger-side window, the Staten Island Advance reported.

He was issued a desk appearance ticket. Court officials said they couldn't find records of the disposition, and Doherty Jr. declined to comment.

Through all this, the younger Doherty has been able to keep his $62,000-a-year job, although his pay has been docked 14 times for a total of 128 hours during that period.


Taxpayer said...

One more example of the Commissar's negligence in managing city agencies.

How much more do you want to tolerate?

Tolerate nothing.

Dump this prick.

Take control on Nov. 3.

Anonymous said...

Spoiled Irish brat.

Anonymous said...

To tell you the truth, I feel sorry for the Commissioner. I see this in other departments with other smart assed punks.
His son is a spoiled piece of S@&t that has no honor and no shame. If my dad were a boss I wouldn,t discrace him like this.
Do your family a favor and resign. Loser.

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