Saturday, July 25, 2009

Landlord still neglecting potential landmark

From the Times Ledger:

For Rita Douglas, it is another day and another battle.

After the residents of Schleicher’s Court in College Point seemingly achieved victory in February when the city lifted a vacate order on their home — allowing them to return for the first time in eight months — Douglas said they will be back in court once again Wednesday.

Douglas said although they have reoccupied the 19th-century mansion at 11-41 123rd St., they have been living without gas ever since. She said the tenants are now headed back to Civil Court in Jamaica to demand a court order be enforced, requiring their landlord, Eva Rohan, to make fixes so Con Edison can restore service to the building.


Anonymous said...

So where are the politicans and the community board and the media?

If this was a developer, or an offended tweed, they would be clawing all over each other for press conferences.


Anonymous said...

Where is the Queens Preservation Allinace.

Being the self-sytled 'offical' voice of Queens at LPC so the shadow of the great unwashed from the outerB don't clutter their doorway.

And as far as the preservation community is concerned, that is just peachy.

'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Councilman Tony Avella was at the Mansion &The Whitestone times did a story last Thursday on page2..So was NY1 who has been covering this story since the beginning..Also NTD News aired a story on Sunday on chanel63...

Esperanza said...

We also have an article in ''The Queens Tribune''page4 that just came out in the Aug.6 thru Aug.12 edition...Thank you,Christina Fong for giving us this newspaper coverage.And The ''Councilman Tony Avella has send out numerous letters to certain agencies,trying to help us...Thank you,Councilman,for always standing beside us during this tramatic time&the never ending abuse we the tenants of ''Schleicher's Court''had to endure..We still have a battle to fight...and we will continue to fight for our basic rights...if other tenants did this,we would have fewer ''Slumlords''

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