Monday, June 22, 2009

You'll be pleased to know that...

Undocumented students qualify for the Peter F. Vallone Academic Scholarship Program, financed by the City of New York. That program awards scholarships to full-time students who graduate from a New York City high school with at least a B average who enroll in CUNY within one year of graduation.

From the Daily News.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how the hard working families have to work sometimes three jobs to pay for their kids to go to college and this guy just gives money to undocumented immergrants?

Anonymous said...

My kid a B+ student - a citizen got nothing from government. If you earn a salary ( wow I pay taxes) - forget grants of all stripes - your not going to get any $$.

How dare Pols give away money to non- legal residents?

Throw this idiot out of office.

Anonymous said...

La Familglia di Vallone is bribing future voters...when they attain legal status...which They'll rush through for them.

And those Vallone bastards, not content with their stronghold in Astoria now want to extend their control to eastern Queens (via Paul) thereby snaring our borough in a pincer movement of unbridled political power!

Thus, the Vallone dynasty, initiated by Charlie "the judge" Vallone continues to spread like poison ivy!

Anonymous said...

Legal residents qualify for the scholarship, too, and it was named after Peter Vallone, Sr. and funded by the City Council.

Anonymous said...

Legal residents qualify for the scholarship, too, and it was named after Peter Vallone, Sr. and funded by the City Council.
Why should legal residents have their money used for people who are not? Now go back to the Darksiders and leave the Queens Crappers alone!!!

Anonymous said...

It says they are eligible but must a resident of New York City. Undocumented students are enrolled by CUNY as non-local and pay higher rates as out of state residents(CUNY allows many students from foreign countries to attend as foreign exchangers, etc) therefore making them ineligble to get the $500 /year scholarship.

So stop lying on this site how illegals get free college from the city when a) no one has gotten the scholarship yet and b) it's only $500 a year far from a free education

Plus illegals are ineligble for PELL grants too so gripe elsewhere

Queens Crapper said...

"Undocumented students are enrolled by CUNY as non-local and pay higher rates as out of state residents"

Bullshit. Governor Pataki signed a law in 2002 that made illegal aliens eligible for in-state tuition rates.

Look it up.

Anonymous said...

If you got to work three jobs to pay for your kids college then your credit sucks because of prior mistakes because student loans with deferments are everywhere with rates as low as 1.5%

Many times the US Gov't Direct Loans will give you a subsidized loan with no interest and fully deferred until after graduation.

So please make up another complaint

Anonymous said...

I love when self-righteous commenters come here and show how ignorant they are:


Anonymous said...

Amazing that these folks here illegally get more breaks than native citizens from other states. This is the country I live in?

Anonymous said...

"If you got to work three jobs to pay for your kids college then your credit sucks because of prior mistakes because student loans with deferments are everywhere with rates as low as 1.5%"

Maybe they don't want to take out a loan. Maybe they want all the breaks that everyone else gets. When I applied for financial aid, I thought I would get a fair amount because my single mom only worked her one job. But I was told I would get $50 and nothing more. So I worked 2 jobs while I was in school to pay for the tuition. While people on welfare didn't work, didn't go to class, yet were socially promoted and got their tuition 100% paid for. Where is the fairness in that?

Anonymous said...

"Undocumented students are enrolled by CUNY as non-local and pay higher rates as out of state residents"

Bullshit. Governor Pataki signed a law in 2002 that made illegal aliens eligible for in-state tuition rates.

Look it up.

that's SUNY not CUNY

Queens Crapper said...

And I quote:

"Governor George E. Pataki today signed into law legislation he proposed to allow undocumented immigrants attending the City University of New York (CUNY) and the State University of New York (SUNY) to be charged the State resident tuition level."

It's both, nimrod.

Anonymous said...

Did you seriously think that the state would give a benefit to illegals that our sanctuary city wouldn't?


Anonymous said...

Isn't he a lawyer? Didn't he swear to uphold the laws of the land? Undocumented means illegal. These kids are stealing services meant for legal immmigrants and citizens. Then he goes one step further and gives them money which they are not entitled to. He is a criminal.

Anonymous said...

If you're proVallone, you're cheesy!!!

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said...

Ach, zat vas anudder gut von.

Anonymous said...

I had this scholarship and it is by far the cheapest ever. Didn't even pay for all my books. So stop whining over such a poor excuse for a scholarship. You guys should be bitching that undocumented students are eligible for PELL Grants which can total up to 4-5k a year.

Queens Crapper said...

Why does it matter how much money it is? It's still our tax money being given to people who don't belong here.

Anonymous said...

I rather have them in school than on the streets harassing people while they wait for someone to pick them up for a day-labor job.

CJ said...

Anonymous said...
"I rather have them in school than on the streets harassing people while they wait for someone to pick them up for a day-labor job."

And you would rather see the children of legal residents on the streets because the grants that should have gone to them were taken by the children of folks here illegally? The point is that they shouldn't be on our streets at all.
As long as it doesn't affect you, why shold you care.

Anony2 said...

I went to Queens College in the 90's. There were special programs for the immigrants, legal and undocumented. They were accepted with lower GPAs and SATs then regular students. They received full tuition, books, transportation AND a stipend! They needd less credits to graduate but received the same degrees. They had their own advisors, financial aid, and counseler offices which had no wait. I had to take loans each semester and work min. wage jobs, the only aid I received was $180 toward the tuition a year, and it typically took about 6 hours each semester in the financial aid office to get that $90.

Anonymous said...

S. Sondheim:

"I like to be in America...everything free in America..."

Anonymous said...

So much bitterness here. I pay a lot of taxes and my husband paid the full tuition amount for his post-graduate degree in a CUNY school. Are we angry? Not really. This country could have benefited so much more by now if the government spent all the billions of dollars wasted in Iraq in our homeland education and healthcare for legals and illegals. There's so many scholarships offered by multiple organizations and for every kind of background, just do your research if you need them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we're bitter because our tax dollars are wasted on people who are not authorized to be here. Why should we pay for people who are another country's problem?

Anonymous said...

So much bitterness here. I pay a lot of taxes and my husband paid the full tuition amount for his post-graduate degree in a CUNY school.

Well aren't you special?

Erik Baard said...

I'm all for youth being educated to be productive contributors to our society, however they got here -- children don't choose their parents and don't provide their parents with legal advice.

I'd much rather spend money and energy nurturing their full potential than hunting them down. I mean, are kids with good grades a problem? These aren't the illegal immigrants some fear.

Educate and naturalize these bright and hardworking kids!

Anonymous said...

So we should have to foot the bill to pay for the building of schools to educate kids from other countries whose parents brought them here illegally? Do you think they advertise that fact back home?

"Only $10,000 for your family of 4 to cross the border. Think of what that buys! Free health care, free schooling and no taxes. The stupid and generous people of America will take care of it all!"

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