Sunday, April 26, 2009

Water boarders continue the torture

From the Daily News:

Queens residents already wallowing in exorbitant water bills are expected to sound off about an additional 14% increase at a hearing in Elmhurst on Monday.

The proposed hike comes on top of double-digit increases in water rates in the last two years - and local merchants say it could lead to them going under.

Critics of the Water Board, including city Controller William Thompson, said the $200 million in water revenue is diverted to fund other city services.

Department of Environmental Protection Acting Commissioner Steve Lawitts told the Water Board this month that revenues were 5% lower than expected.

Starting July 1, the rates for the average single-family home would increase from $799 to $911 a year. Condominium and co-op rates would jump from $680 to $775.

The Queens hearing on the proposed increase is set for 10a.m. Monday at the Department of Environmental Protection, 59-17 Junction Blvd., near the Queens Center Mall.


Anonymous said...

What $900 for water? Bloomy is out of his mind - you think he can be re-elected with these various taxes that are killing us at a time where people are losing their jobs and house - dropping like flies not making it at all?

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of having a well drilled right now.

I'll be fully amortized in 4 years at the current rate that NYC charges for water!

So F---K you Bloomberg and his water board!

Now they get only my sewer rental fees!

If it were legal I'd put in a septic tank and thereby cut myself off from NYC's water torture!

Anonymous said...

You're getting a well drilled, electric hookup and pump installed, connected to house plumbing, for $900 x 4??? Or is this a multiple dwelling, and you're going to supply well water to your tenants?

Where do you live? How deep is the well? What is the quality of the ground water?

Unknown said...

How is anyone suppose to go to this meeting without closing their business or taking time off of work?


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