Monday, March 9, 2009

Supreme Court tells Bloomie to take a hike

From the NY Times:

New York City’s nine-year lawsuit accusing gun makers of flooding illicit markets with their firearms came to an end on Monday, when the Supreme Court refused to consider a lower court’s dismissal of the case.

Without comment, the justices decided not to review a ruling by a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which declared last April 30 that federal law protected the manufacturers from such suits.


Anonymous said...

Son of a gun!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL, can't beat the first commenter "son of a gun!", it says it all in a nutshell. LMFAO

Anonymous said...

This loser Commissar lost another one.

He's walking backwards. He's going nowhere!

This creepy busybody will be happy only when all citizens are disarmed and under control of the criminals like himself.

Anonymous said...

My family is big on sport hunting, but anything that can stop guns coming into NYC is OK in my book and should be in yours.

Anonymous said...

My family is big on sport hunting, but anything that can stop guns coming into NYC is OK in my book and should be in yours.

Anything? Even violating the rule of law and the US Constitution? Hmmmmm. Those that would ... liberty ... sacrifice ... Ben Franlkin!

Anonymous said...

Leave my guns alone. They are locked up and not bothering anyone. Same goes for Sheldon Silver.

georgetheatheist said...

From the NYTimes obituary of Antoinette K-Doe (3/1/09), legendary New Orleans "Mother-in-Law" lounge owner:

"When Hurricane Katrina hit, Mrs. K-Doe stayed put. She moved the memorabilia and the statue [of her late rhythm and blues singer-husband Ernie K-Doe] upstairs and armed with a shotgun, kept watch over her domain for more than a week before being airlifted out. 'I heard guys in the water talking about breaking into the lounge for the whiskey,' she told USA Today in 2007. 'I fired my shotgun over their heads, close enough to scare them away. And I yelled, "I have more bullets!" Nobody was getting in.' [Do it now.]

Anonymous said...

Smart people are investing in ammo now. I know I am. Everyone else, let the stimulus rain down upon you with its riches.

Anonymous said...

When you invest in the ammo, invest in a good lawyer to keep you out of jail.

Not that some people don't "need killing" as the Texas saying goes, but too many gun lovers who live in the city are obsessed with vigilante movies and don't take the time to secure their weapons properly, take safety lessons, or qualify regularly on the range so that they don't kill the old lady down the block.

Also, you don't need a machine gun for self-defense. If you can't hit what you're aiming with with a bullet or too you need a seeing-eye dog.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we had all the cost back for this legacy building anti gun litigation, could we have kept St. Johns open and MIH. It's all about priorities.

Anonymous said...

So you are happy that Bloomberg's efforts to stop guns from flooding into NYC has been stopped? You all can't see 5 inches past your faces. The gun nuts in this country have way too much influence. How in the world could they have let the assault weapons ban expire? Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
"The gun nuts in this country have way too much influence."

Translation: The US Constitution lovers in this country have way too much influence.

Anonymous was using his First Amendment rights to try to influence the government to ignore our Second Amendment rights.

What else on the Constitutional menu does Anonymous want eliminated?

Anonymous said...

It figures Taxpayer and this crowd would cling to gun rights. The Second Amendment has been completely distorted in this area. It was meant to allow militias, but has been perverted to somehow allow individual gun rights. Even given that interpretation, government has every constitutional right to regulate the sale and ownership of guns. Assault weapons bans, background checks, limits on quantity, etc. are all perfectly consistent with constitutional rights. Of course, the simple-minded have trouble thinking all this through.

You probably are against the President's lifting of the ban on stem-cell research too. Sad.

- A Bigger Taxpayer

Queens Crapper said...

"It was meant to allow militias, but has been perverted to somehow allow individual gun rights."

Just curious: How do you allow a militia without protecting individual gun rights?

Anonymous said...

By allowing members of the militia to have guns in their capacity as militia men. This isn't that hard of a concept.

Queens Crapper said...

A militia is comprised of private citizens who keep guns at home and are called to action. This isn't that hard of a concept.

georgetheatheist said...

The citizenry of Switzerland is required to keep weaponry in their homes. For possible use during militia duty.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, you can't be this obtuse. A militia is an organized outfit with training and regulation. It isn't an ad hoc get-together of people with guns who are just hanging around.

Queens Crapper said...

Actually, no its not. That's your own obtuseness talking.

Militia in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

You should learn to read your own sources Crapper. The article you linked discusses historical recruitment, drafting, training and organizing of milita.

Anyway, what is your point? That you believe we should have lax gun control laws in this country? That you are so biased against Bloomberg that you will be against him in every situation, even one in which he is fighting against unscrupulous practices that flood guns into NYC?

Queens Crapper said...

Did you miss the beginning?

Types of militia within modern US:

* The organized militia created by the Militia Act of 1903, which split from the 1792 Uniform Militia forces, and consist of State militia forces, notably the National Guard and the Naval Militia. The National Guard however, is not to be confused with the National Guard of the United States, which is a federally recognized reserve military force, although the two are linked.
* The reserve militia or unorganized militia, also created by the Militia Act of 1903 which presently consist of every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age who are not members of the National Guard or Naval Militia. (that is, anyone who would be eligible for the draft)
* A select militia is composed of a small, non-representative portion of the population, often politicized.
* Private militia forces, not necessarily illegal, which are made up of non-officially organized individuals who have formed paramilitary organizations based on their own interpretation of the concept of the militia.

Queens Crapper said...

"That you believe we should have lax gun control laws in this country?"

I don't believe in the extent to which we have restricted gun laws in this City. And I don't believe in wasting taxpayer money on a vanity lawsuit that won't be won.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, just read the article that you cited, and see how your assertion is incorrect. The article talks at length about the history of enrolling people into militias, exemptions from service, drafts, etc.

So you do want lax gun restrictions in the country and in New York City? Crazy.

Queens Crapper said...

"The article talks at length about the history of enrolling people into militias, exemptions from service, drafts, etc."

Yes, those are federal and state militias. There also are other ones that are allowed to operate under the 2nd amendment. I guess you are just reading what you want to read from that article.

"So you do want lax gun restrictions in the country and in New York City? Crazy."

Okay, I guess unless I say that no one in this City other than a police officer should be legally allowed to own a gun, it means I am crazy. A crackhead is going to get a gun and it's a guarantee that won't be registered. I am much more concerned about those guns than one my neighbor may have in his house for his own protection. We legislated ourselves into a situation where only criminals are armed and the rest of us are sitting ducks. That's just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

You are setting up false arguments Crapper. Either you don't know what you are talking about or you are dishonest. NYC residents can own guns. They have to apply with NYPD, provide their information and pay the fees, and if they qualify (no prior criminal convictions, mental disease, etc.) they can obtain a permit. There are different types of permits and qualifications depending on the use of the gun (keep in home, target shooting, business security, etc.). What specific restrictions are you against, or are you just spewing nonsense off the top of your head again?
And as for this lawsuit - if this country had adequate gun control laws, it would be far less likely that the crackhead would be able to get a gun. Gun proliferation and gun violence happens to a far less extent in Europe where gun control is taken more seriously. Assault weapon violence in the U.S. has risen significantly since the assault ban expired. How can you possibly try to justify that?

Anonymous said...

Anytime Bloomie gets his ass kicked I'll cheer!

Anonymous said...

You can walk around with a concealed weapon in Texas and other states. Yes, we can carry guns in NYC. But processing takes a very long time and the fees are hundreds of dollars which the average NYer can't afford. Checking for "history of mental illness" is a joke because most mental illness is not diagnosed or on record anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Just carry a "cold" piece for self defense in a crap-ola neighborhood and the hell with a permit!

As Mario Biaggi once said,
"Better a defendant than a deceased"!

Anonymous said...

Why NYC has these gun laws? RACISM. Afraid the po' folks will rape and rob the elites, who, by the way, get concealed gun permits without a problem. Who the hell wants to knock off Joan Rivers? Well, she has a concealed gun permit. Now you apply for one and see how far you get.

georgetheatheist said...

If I'm not mistaken, don't some of the NYTimes Editorial Board and the Publisher themselves have gun permits?

georgetheatheist said...

Hey Crappy isn't this public information? If so, can you post who has the gun permit recipients?.

Anonymous said...

"And as for this lawsuit - if this country had adequate gun control laws, it would be far less likely that the crackhead would be able to get a gun."

That's the funniest thing I ever read. Guns are smuggled in from Mexico all the time. Maybe if we strengthened our borders, we would have less crime. But God forbid we should do that.

Anonymous said...

"Gun proliferation and gun violence happens to a far less extent in Europe where gun control is taken more seriously."

Germany school shooting kills at least 10; killer in black combat uniform flees scene

Anonymous said...

Gun violence happens less in Europe because they have less overall crime because they have less poor people.

Queens Crapper said...

"The basic premise of the gun control movement, that easy access to guns causes higher crime, is contradicted by the facts, by history and by reason. Let's hope more people are catching on."

Gun Control: Myths and Realities

Anonymous said...

Can Gun Control Reduce Crime? Part 1

Sowell, who is African-American, correctly points out that gun-control laws don’t control guns, “They disarm potential victims. Why do you think they disarmed slaves? Because if slaves had been armed, that would have been the end of slavery.”

Don't be a slave to stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Restricting firearms has helped make England more crime-ridden than the U.S.

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