Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pepsi sign returns

Curbed reports that LIC's iconic Pepsi sign is 100% back after being moved.


Anonymous said...

So what? Everything of the industrial heritage of the community is Disneyfied, like the Gantries.

The historic heart of the community is being ripped out.

The problem?

1. Queens is redlined by the preservation community and can expect no real help (outside of lip service and the odd fireplug and curbcut)

2. This sign, like Sohmer piano and the gantries, is visible from Manhattan. That is more important than any local effort to save anything.

Anonymous said...

10-63 Jackson, St Mary Senior Center, and the area around Monitor Square (where in the hell did they get the name Vernon Mall anyways?) would have been good as a LIC historic district.

The locals tried.

They were ignored.

Overturn the landmarks law because it descriminates against blue collar and immigrant communties.

Anonymous said...

Overturn the landmarks law because it descriminates against blue collar and immigrant communties.


Anonymous said...

"Queens is redlined by the preservation community..."

Quick, give us your definition of redlining.
Then go look up the REAL definition and post that right under you own. This way, you and the other ignoramuses who misuse the term will all learn at least one thing today.

Anonymous said...

Hey, your worry about defining a word.

We will figure out some way to stop you guys from d*cking us around.

Anonymous said...

verb (used with object)
1. to treat by redlining (an area or neighborhood).
2. to draw a canceling red line through (an item on a list).
3. to mark or designate for cancellation, rejection, dismissal, or the like: club members redlined for unpaid dues.

I DARE for the Sarcred Sites Program, Historic Districts Council, the Landmarks Preservation Commission, to give a community board by community board breakdown of their commitment.

I DEMAND to know why you have not voluntarily offered this information.

I EXPECT an explanation as to why your money, effort and time are spent on non-immigrant white areas - which do not reflect the diversity of our city - for a public program funded with taxpayer's money.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but look at that pile of crap that's in the background that wasn't there before!

Glad that colossal statue of Queen Catherine never went up with her ass facing Queens!

Anonymous said...

Hey, your worry about defining a word.

We will figure out some way to stop you guys from d*cking us around.

Dunno who "you guys" are. But that's not the point.
The point is, if we're not going to agree on the definition of a word then it doesn't mean anything anymore.

So don't abuse the language, donkey.

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