Saturday, March 14, 2009


From Gothamist.


Anonymous said...

Bullshit, NY Is being murdered

Anonymous said...

Murdered by greed and ZOG.

Race riots,
Food riots
Violent revolution in the USA rising to the level of a second Civil War.
People are getting real pissed !

This is why both gun grabbing and H.R. 1955 (Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act) Is being rammed through Congress.
It is possibly the single greatest assault on our freedoms ever passed in the USA, which actually defines "thoughts" as "crimes."
The bill does not provide a specific definition of extremist belief system, it will be whatever the government at any given time deems it to be.

Throw you into a Fed prison for any reason.

Anonymous said...

Sales of guns and ammo are up almost ANOTHER 100% since Obama took office and H.R. 1955 was re-introduced.

Anonymous said...

dump Manhattan Mayor Bloomturd!

Anonymous said...

How nice that some morons don't care whether confused drivers are hurt or pedestrians are plowed under the wheels.

These signs have real purposes such as warning of shifting or closed lanes or the presence of construction workers ahead.

Perhaps their tomfoolery is more important than human life.

Anonymous said...

thanks to an overextended government

Anonymous said...

nyc is dying because of all the illegals working here and not paying taxes. stop building with non union workers and the city will see money come back into the city.

Anonymous said...

Take off your foil hats and go read something a little more encouraging. Like this thoughtful, restrained essay in the March issue of The Atlantic:


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