Friday, February 20, 2009

Poll: Bloomberg Approval Rating Lowest Since 2005

NEW YORK (AP) -- A new poll says 52 percent of New York City residents believe Mayor Michael Bloomberg is doing a good job.

That's his lowest Marist Poll approval rating in nearly four years and a 7-point drop since November.

The poll of 827 registered city voters was conducted this week. It also found that more people disapprove of how Bloomberg is handling the economic crisis than approve.

Bloomberg has enjoyed record popularity. But his numbers have slipped since his bid last fall to change term limits law.

The billionaire businessman has said his financial expertise makes him an ideal candidate for a third term during the economic meltdown.

The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.


Anonymous said...

Could it be the Bloombummer spin machine is running out of gas? Or are people finally seeing this guy for what he is, an out of control, vindictive billionaire egomaniac.

Anonymous said...

The Emperor has no clothes.

Anonymous said...

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful Wife
And you may ask did I get here?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the moneys gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

Anonymous said...

same as it ever was

Anonymous said...

same as it ever was

Anonymous said...

don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out! you know? let it!

Anonymous said...

So in the worst fiscal and economic climate in decades, the sitting second-term mayor still has a 52% approval rating. Pretty impressive.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me WHO exactly these 52% are?

Anonymous said...

Italian Girl said:
"Can someone please explain to me WHO exactly these 52% are?"

Here's the creepy part of the answer to that:
They sit next to you on the bus or subway.

They are the people in front of you on the coffee and bagel line.

They're in the same movie theater as you (they are the ones who laugh at the wrong part).

Did you ever sit on the subway with someone near you mumbling and looking around wild-eyed? That's another one.

The 52% are the freaks who don't yet really know the name of the Speaker of the City Council. They never knew who Dick Cheney was (except to repeat the line "Darth Vader" as though they were sophisticated).

[True personal story: when Bush and Kerry were campaigning, a young woman near 30 years old visited our home. She knew I followed politics, and so, to impress me, I suppose, she airily remarked that Bush was just a stupid man who would never get elected. I asked her two questions: 1: was he registered to vote? (NO!), 2: who was the other candidate? (no idea!). Conversation ended.]

Don't sleep with your eyes closed or the lights off.

Anonymous said...

It just seems more and more apparent to me that politicians RELY on misinformed, uneducated, oblivious people to elect them. What is this world coming to?

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me WHO exactly these 52% are.

Welfare dwellers and those being invited here with nothing to loose for starters.
Rain sleet or snow documentation or not those people VOTE.

Too many of the populate as (the sheeple) lazy or tired after work. They sit on there butts watching bad singing, humiation and voyeur on big screen TV’s on important election days.
They need to wake up !
The faster this bean town elitist is out of NYC government the better.

People are realizing Bloomie vision of NYC is like one big Disneyland.

Complete with clowns, bandits, pirates, pigs, press agents, builders, writers, stages, scripts & actors all working for the same payroll.

Now add the band & the Cunga line of obedient slave workforce and what was the middle class walking last in line after the tweeds, sheep and elephants and you have it.


KG2V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"So in the worst fiscal and economic climate in decades, the sitting second-term mayor still has a 52% approval rating. Pretty impressive."

We are about 37 minutes into the Titanic. People are just realizing the iceberg has hit. The incompetent turd is announcing - 'just a flesh wound'.

Anonymous said...

The 52% includes the people in this city who aren't Archie Bunkers.

Queens Crapper said...

So 48% of the City is Archie Bunkers?

Anonymous said...

"We are about 37 minutes into the Titanic. People are just realizing the iceberg has hit. The incompetent turd is announcing - 'just a flesh wound'."

Maspethian is such a cheerful and optimistic guy who probably wanders the streets mumbling to himself. Unfortunately for Maspethian it's not at all Bloomberg's fault. In case he hasn't noticed, IT"S WORLDWIDE.

Anonymous said...

It may be worldwide, but the blame falls on those currently in power, justifiably or not. That's how having power works.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness New Yorkers are FINALLY waking up to this fascist pig.

Anonymous said...

Oink, oink, oink!

No 3rd term for the last (wanabee) emperor!

Anonymous said...

Its the Zeitgist, the spirit of the times. When the money was flowing, who cared who stuffed his or her pockets?

The five horsemen of the apocalypse are coming--death,famine,war,plague, and auditors!!!

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