Wednesday, January 21, 2009

City treats war veteran like crap

From the NY Post:

An Iraq war veteran who spent two years fighting America's enemies now finds himself battling city bureaucrats over his standing to become an FDNY firefighter.

Now that he's back home, Army vet Robert Woods, 24, of Staten Island, wants to resume his quest to become one of New York's Bravest - following in the footsteps of his firefighter dad, uncle and brother - but finds the city's personnel department has refused to recertify him.

Arguing that he met all qualifications for the FDNY before he shipped off, Woods on Jan. 7 filed suit in state Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeking placement on the Department of Citywide Administrative Services' special eligibility list.


Anonymous said...

It probably is as simple as geting a form signed, and putting his paperwork from file A into file B. Unfortunately, in this city, with its useless 9-5 Mon-Fri civil service mentality, that would require great effort, and would take months.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Commissar Death and Taxes is so busy seizing private property and committing parking ticket frauds that he simply has no time to be doing the job he was hired to perform: manage the city agencies, requiring them to perform their straightforward jobs.

But, there's are no precious people to invite him for wine and cheese on government owned time and property.

Little people are such a bother.

Anonymous said...

The FDNY isn't the only organizations that treats Vet's Like CRAP! Why Did Juniper Civic go against the War Vet Memorial in Juniper Valley .
Vet's are always CRAP on.

Anonymous said...

The JPCA never went against a war memorial in Juniper Park and this was explained in in the paper 5 years ago.

Anonymous said...

"The FDNY isn't the only organizations that treats Vet's Like CRAP! Why Did Juniper Civic go against the War Vet Memorial in Juniper Valley ."

As usual, this anonymous writer knows and completely understands that the JPCA had nothing to do with any war memorial in any park.

Only taxpaid officials can approve or disapprove of whatever happens in any park. Pink lace panty wearing Gallagher and Benepe were entirely responsible for the placement of any war memorial.

But, as usual with all liars, they try to make people believe they had nothing to do with it. In fact, their assertion is somewhat true: they are both irresponsible.

But, this lie is just one more diversion from the primary issue: the Commissar's degenerate failure to manage.

Hire this vet. NOW!

Anonymous said...

Hire this vet. NOW!

No, DON'T hire this vet. NOW!

He's got mental issues that are the real cause behind the denial, but the DCAS is trying to help him save face by using paperwork and deadlines as the official story.

Anonymous said...

Yes the Federal govt treated vets like garbage in Iraq with a huge lack of proper body armor, or even proper clean water.I know ive talked to many vets in the last 6 years and the complaints are the same and there still not getting proper medical care from the VA because thats been gutted from the bush co. from the last 7 years.
The VA is also dening PTSD from just about the majority of vets who complain about it.

Queens Crapper said...

Where does it say he has mental issues?

RC said...

Mental health issues notwithstanding (there is a psych evaluation for the job, BTW), even if he does get certified, this kid isn't getting hired anytime soon.

FDNY academy classes are suspended, its instructors are back in the field, and firehouses are being shuttered for the night. Make no mistake, the Commissar and his stooge Scopetta would love to close firehouses outright as they did in 2003, and they may soon get their opportunity in this budget crisis. If that comes to pass, we'll only see fireman layoffs, not hirings. This kid is SOL.

Anonymous said...

I know ive talked to many vets in the last 6 years and the complaints are the same and there still not getting proper medical care from the VA because thats been gutted from the bush co. from the last 7 years.
The VA is also dening PTSD from just about the majority of vets who complain about it.

Yay, Bush! Republicans rule!!!

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