Monday, December 29, 2008

Schools are suffering

Principals and parents complained of cramped, poorly ventilated conditions at northeastern Queens schools last week during Community District Education Council 26’s monthly meeting.

The meeting’s attendees told the council and city School Construction Authority representatives that children in the district suffer in overheated classrooms that are operating over capacity. Council members said that at least 20 regional schools needed to have their electrical systems upgraded.

Parents air school complaints

That's really too bad and an expensive, hard problem to have to tackle. So let's build the City's next great neighborhood at Willets Point instead...


Anonymous said...

Hell, build 'em in Astoria. Fast Track! Build Big! Upzone! Upzone! Upzone so our schools have OUR kids and not someone elses!

You never never ever see anyone complain about overcrowding on the blogs, in the papers, or at the community board!

Now that damn tennis bubble in Astoria Park, well that's another thing!

Anonymous said...

Take some of these horrid 10 story condo buildings in progress in LIC, or Astoria and turn them into Verve schools.

Anonymous said...

Two words: Home schooling.

Two more words: Catholic school.

Two final words: Private school.

Anonymous said...

Damn shame. We are losing the great unifying forces in our society: everything from universal conscription, to public schools, were civic institutions that brought people from all segments of society together.

Now, like the demise of network tv, we all live in our insular little enclaves filled with people exactly like ourselves.

This is not good.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Wade. Two more words: Illegal aliens.

Two more words: Anchor children.

Two more words: No English!

And, two more: Sanctuary City.

Now the final two: UFT + Commissar.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect, when Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz is wasting taxpayers moines, building a "vanity project" for himself. He has the nerve to spend $ 64 million dollars for an Amphitheater in Asser Levy-Seaside Park in Coney Island/Brighton Beach. We already have a Bandshell there that is sufficient for Marty's Summer Concerts, we don't need to build a $64 million dollar "Vanity Project" for Marty's EGO.

Unknown said...

Stuffy and overheated? Turn down the heat. Crack a window. I find almost every enclosed space to be stuffy and overheated in Winter.

Anonymous said...

They're talking about in the summer.

Anonymous said...

The money that's spent on the public school system could finance a small country.

Countless students pass through the system without knowing how to read, write, form simple sentences or do simple math.

Wouldn't you love to know where our tax dollars really end up?

Unknown said...

Here is the sad truth. A few parents can come to every meeting and complain about the horrible and I mean HORRIBLE things going on in their school. However, unless you can get 100 parents to stand behind you and the papers...nothing can or will be done. Bring all those parents and they will have to admit they made a mistake by placing people with little or no expreience to run a school. I agree that to many children are leaving the system with minor basics. Give a 7th grader a pop multipulcation test or better yet have them form a Grammatically correct sentence with no spelling error without using spell check.....Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Sure, but if we can take a look at holiday gift giving, we have 7 year old girls singing about true love and little tykes dreaming of being basektball stars.

So the parents have a big hand in molding these kids and making them oblvious to pursueing worthy career building interests.

Anonymous said...

"Bring all those parents and they will have to admit they made a mistake by placing people with little or no expreience to run a school. I agree that to many children are leaving the system with minor basics. Give a 7th grader a pop multipulcation test or better yet have them form a Grammatically correct sentence with no spelling error without using spell check.....Good Luck"

The DOE is having such a hard time getting good applicants for principalships in the city. And they can completely blame themselves because they have made it so impossible to work here. As with the teachers, most of them work a year or two and usually head for Long Island. The problems with the DOE does not lie with it's teachers or even administrators. Although it would be nice if a principal actually taught for more than three years. The problem is with the students and the families they come from. And until they face reality and quit blaming educators, they will NEVER solve any problems.

As far as kids not knowing their times tables and simple grammar, that has to do with the ridiculous balanced literacy program. If the DOE would just go back to basics (traditional programs), the kids would be a lot better off. And so would the teachers.

Anonymous said...

>Damn shame. We are losing the great unifying forces in our society: everything from universal conscription, to public schools, were civic institutions that brought people from all segments of society together.

Now, like the demise of network tv, we all live in our insular little enclaves filled with people exactly like ourselves.

Yes precisely.Its become way too insular.

This is not good.

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