Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from DOI!

NYC Marshals Won't Evict People During the Holidays

NEW YORK (AP) -- The marshals who evict people from their New York City apartments have begun an unofficial two-week holiday.

The marshals have been honoring the eviction moratorium for decades but don't seem to know when or why it began.

Tenant advocates say it probably was created to help landlords avoid negative publicity for tossing people out at Christmas.

Bronx Housing Court Judge Jaya Madhavan says the eviction moratorium is ``one of those myths that take on the force of law.''

The city's Department of Investigation regulates the 45 marshals and doesn't sanction the tradition.

Marshal Danny Weinheim says he wouldn't evict anyone on Christmas Eve.

Tenants scheduled for eviction say they're glad for the reprieve.


Ant said...

"Tenant advocates say it probably was created to help landlords avoid negative publicity for tossing people out at Christmas."

Now I've heard everything

Anonymous said...

Bah humbug!

I say "throw the bums out"!

Is the government running a flop house now?

Anonymous said...

Two weeks is nothing, try two years.
a moratorium on all evicitons until there is 100 % employment.

landlords have forgotten that they provide a service to people.

when the rain falls it falls on everyone's head

Anonymous said...

"Tenant advocates say it probably was created to help landlords avoid negative publicity for tossing people out at Christmas."

It just isn't possible that the marshals just don't have the stomach to evict people during Christmas? It just has to be their coverup for the landlords?


"landlords have forgotten that they provide a service to people."

And people who receive any service have the obligation to pay.

Landlords are not obliged to provide charity out of their own personal funds.

The tenants are living in private property owned by the landlords they hate so viciously.

If they pay regularly, in full, nobody will evict them. But, they are on a lease, and are subservient to the landlord's plan for the use of his own private property. Read the lease and don't sign if that pisses you off. Naturally, if you prefer to not sign, then move along to a landlord who has no lease for you to sign.

Anonymous said...

"Tenant advocates say it probably was created to help landlords avoid negative publicity for tossing people out at Christmas."

Now I've heard everything

Ant is from ASStoria, the laughing stock of community preservation.

Sorry old boy, but the rest of the city are not stupid doormats like Astoria.

Anonymous said...

"taxpayer" oafed:

"And people who receive any service have the obligation to pay."

Most often they are -not- receiving "services" ie:repairs to apts and building systems.

"The tenants are living in private property owned by the landlords they hate so viciously."

In many (vast majority of) cases the buildings are own by banks -you know, the same people that actually that stick house of "yours".

"But, they are on a lease, and are subservient to the landlord's plan for the use of his own private property."

WINNER! The Limbaugh Methane Award.

Sherlock, when you rent a property to a tenant the landlord is obligated to live up to the terms of a Warrant of Habitability.

Failure to do-so is the main reason for non-payment eviction. What often happens is that unsophisticated tenants fail to get guidance in setting up escrow accounts and/or don't respond to legal papers served on them.

But, thanks for the entertainment.

BTW: You and your landlord buddies are really goin' to love the new tenant protection laws about to be passed in Albany.

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