Monday, December 1, 2008

Boulevard of Death bike lane a no go

The boulevard has become safer since the city’s Department of Transportation began introducing new safety measures in the late 1990s. From 17 pedestrian deaths in 1993, the annual toll has fallen to 2 so far in 2008. Still, every year, scores of people are struck by vehicles there, and advocates like those gathered on the off-ramp say much can still be done to make the roadway more amenable to cyclists as well as pedestrians.

As bike lanes sprout up all around the city, these cyclists are urging the installation of a protected bike lane with a barrier from vehicular traffic on this most notorious of boulevards.

On a 12-Lane Road Riders With an Agenda

Nicole Garcia, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Department, said, “Safety is our top priority as we build on the safety enhancements we’ve made along Queens Boulevard and throughout the city, which have led to a dramatic decrease in accidents.” As for a bike lane on the boulevard, Ms. Garcia said, there are no current plans for one. The high number of pedestrians and the heavy traffic, she said, present challenges for building a bike lane there.

There's also confirmation by way of the Times Newsweekly:

Chairman Joseph Conley stated that, in a meeting with DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, the rumor of a bike lane on Queens Boulevard was squashed.

"It's not in the works," he assured.

Hmmm...looks like the Queens Gazette messed up!


Anonymous said...

[ U WILL DIEEEE!!!... ]

Anonymous said...

I most other bike commuters dont want a lane there or even bike there ever.Its not even safe to walk across because the lights change real fast from green to red and then drivers here see that as a reason to speed up to hit the person.

Anonymous said...

An elevated Bike route would be the only way to work this out. (this will never happen) The Boulevard carries over 100,000 vehicles a day. Would one dare ride a bike along the GCP or LIE?
It's the same effect---extremely dangerous all the same.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #3 -- actually, a physically separated bike lane at grade level would work fine here. it's been done in other countries, so there's no reason it can't be done here. combine that with real bus rapid transit and congestion pricing, and you've got a recipe for a real functioning boulevard!

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