Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 candidates sue Campaign Finance Board

Three City Council contenders whose 2009 bids were potentially complicated exponentially by the extension of term limits have filed a lawsuit against the Campaign Finance Board, arguing that its advisory opinion to address the change is unfair to non-incumbents.

In the suit, the candidates - Yetta Kurland, Jo Anne Simon and Mel Gagarin - argue that the CFB's plan to essentially hit the re-set button on spending by candidates who had been seeking citywide office but decide instead to run for re-election runs counter to the goal of the public financing system, which is to create as level a playing field as possible for all participants.

'09 Hopefuls Sue CFB

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the great scandals of NY State is the election process designed to 'weed out' the non-clubhouse types --- and the cultural elite's silence of this.

This is by far the worst state in the union - and an electorate most sheeplike in accepting this.

Well, Hillary doing nothing and getting elected for a second term and doing nothing again and a quiescent public says a lot about the body politic in this state, eh?

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